Notification center

Notifications are listed in the Notification Center, which can be accessed in Space Management > Notifications, in Designer, in Visualizer, and in Dashboards. The Notification Center shows the notifications for that space, report, or dashboard. The listed notifications display what the notification was created for, when it runs, and any scheduling information.

Note: Space administrators can see all notifications from all notification types in the Notification Center in Space Management. Space administrators and notification creators can edit notifications. Non-administrators cannot edit notifications that they are not the owner or creator of, but they can see a view-only version of the notification.

This table shows the universal functionality available in the Notification Center that can be done throughout Birst and its modules.

Functionality Description
View a notification overview Rest your cursor over a notification to display a tooltip with details for that notification without having to click into it
Full screen mode Click the Full Screen Mode icon to maximize the Notification Center and display details such as the Report Path
Enable or disable notifications Click the toggle for that notification to disable or enable a notification from the Notification Center
Search notifications Use the Search Notifications field to search the notifications listed in the Notification Center
View or manage notification details Click a notification to view and, if you have the required access, manage the details for that notification
More notification actions Click the More Actions icon for a notification to Edit, Run Now, or Delete it

The Notification Center functionality is the same across each module of Birst; however, the available notification types can vary by module. For example, you can only enable or disable a notification from the module it was created in or from Space Management. If you are viewing the Notification Center from Designer, the Enable/Disable toggle is grayed out for Dashboard notifications.

This table shows the features and limitations of using the Notification Center from within each module.

Module Path Features Limitations
Space Management Administrator > Space Management > Notifications
  • Can view all Notification types
  • Enable/disable any notification type
Can create only Designer reports
Designer Click Notifications in Designer Create Designer notifications
  • Can create only Designer notifications
  • Can enable/disable only Designer notifications
Visualizer Click Notifications in Visualizer Create Visualizer notifications
  • Can create only Visualizer notifications
  • Can enable/disable only Visualizer notifications
Dashboards Click Notifications in Dashboards Create Dashboard notifications
  • Can create only Dashboard notifications
  • Can enable/disable only Dashboard notifications