Telemetry Measure Calculations

These tables show the KPI and field definitions that are used for the Account Telemetry collections and dashboards.

This table shows the Extraction measures.

Measure Calculation Description
Successful Jobs Extraction Jobs that have been completed successfully.
Failed Jobs Extractions Jobs that failed due to either Agent breakdown, incorrect SQL used in Query source, scanning of source failed while Uploading, functional issue or cancel jobs from Repository Admin page etc.
Cancelled Jobs Extractions Jobs that have been cancelled from the UI, CommandWebService, and so on.
Total Jobs The total number of Extraction Jobs. This count may not be the sum of Successful, Failed, and Cancelled status as there may be jobs in a Running status.
Success Rate Successful Jobs divided by the Total Jobs.
Manual Jobs Jobs triggered by Application Connectors, Schedule Data Processing UI, CommandWebService, Pronto Connect, Birst Connect, and Browser Upload.
Scheduled Jobs Jobs triggered by the schedule set.

This table shows the Processing measures.

Measure Calculation Description
Successful Jobs Processing Jobs that have been completed successfully.
Failed Jobs Processing Jobs that failed due to either an incorrect script in scripted source, functional issues, or cancelled jobs from Repository Admin page.
Cancelled Jobs Processing Jobs that have been cancelled from the UI, CommandWebService, and so on.
Total Jobs The total number of Processing Jobs. This count may not be the sum of Successful, Failed, and Cancelled status as there may be jobs in a Running status.
Success Rate Successful Jobs divided by the Total Jobs.
Manual Jobs Jobs triggered by Birst Connect, CommandWebService, and Process Data UI.
Scheduled Jobs Scheduled jobs that are triggered as per the schedule.

This table shows the Notifications measures.

Measure Calculation Description
Successful Jobs The Extraction Jobs that have been completed successfully.
Running Jobs The Notification Runs that are still in a Running state.
Failed Jobs The Notification Runs that were Failed or Killed.
Success Rate The Successful Jobs divided by the Total Jobs.

This table shows the Account Detail measures.

Measure Calculation Description
Total Users in Account The count of total users in the account, including disabled users.
Total Active Users The count of Active ( Enabled ) users in account.
Active Account Admins The count of Active ( Enabled ) users who are also Account Admins.
Total Space Count The count of total spaces in the account. This measure does not include any deleted spaces.
Total Always On Spaces The count of total spaces that are always on in the account. This measure does not include any deleted spaces.
Total Space Size (GB) The total space size in GB across all spaces in the account.