Managing applications and users in application management

You can manage applications that are provisioned with Birst on your account, such as Infor Cloud Suite Financials, from the Application Management page.

Copies of applications can be created so to test specific functionality, apply updates to a test environment, create a backup, and so on.

You can also sync applications and users for applications, such as Infor Cloud Suite Financials, that are provisioned with Birst on your account. This allows you to sync any missing information or resources from the source application to the target application. Application Sync

  1. From Admin, click Application Management.
  2. Identify the application in the table you want to manage.
  3. To clone an application, click the Copy icon for the application to clone. Then specify a new name.
    Note: The default number of times an application can be cloned is five.
  4. To sync the application or users, click the Actions icon for that application in the table. You can:
    Rename the application.
    Sync Application
    Adds any missing resources from the source application to the target application, such as spaces and workflows.
    Sync Users
    Syncs users with an IFS Security Role for Infor Ming.le or OS Portal to Birst. If you select this option, select the Space Groups to sync with the application from the modal that displays, then click Sync.
    Remove Resource
    Removes a specific resource from an application. If you select this option, select the resources to remove from the application in the Remove Resource from Application window. Then, click Remove.
    Delete Application
    Deletes the application from Application Management.
    Note: Some options may not be available if the application is not Live or a Clone, or if your user does not have permissions to manage applications.
  5. Click Sync.