Repository variables

The pre-defined repository variables hold information about when data was last uploaded and processed into Birst.

The built-in variables are:

The last time the data was loaded. For example, 08/29/2023.
LoadDate SFDC
The last data and time that Salesforce data was loaded. For example, 2023-08-29T00:00:00-05.00..
The incremented load number, or load ID. For example, 3.
The start data and time of the last load into the space. For example, 2023-08-29T11:46:45-05:00.
The end data and time of the last load into the space. For example, 2023-08-29T11:47:30-05:00.
Note: The values for LoadDate and LoadDate SFDC are updated differently depending on where you process and publish data. When you process data in Modeler Prepare or Relare, Birst uses the snapshot date set in the Publish Settings window to populate the variable values. Birst uses the snapshot date regardless of what the Processing Time Zone is set to. If you process data in Orchestration, Birst sets the LoadDate automatically.