Data Model Properties

Space Admins can set advanced time analysis for measures in the space through Data Model Properties.

Time series settings are customizable in an Enterprise space if at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • There is at least one source present in the space
  • Packages are imported in the space
  • The space contains a Live Access connection with Time Series enabled

You can also manage the settings at the measure level for a space by enabling or disabling time series aggregations for measures that are not needed across a space.

Note: You can view some best practices for using Time Series.

To enable / disable Time Series settings:

  1. From Admin, select Space Management.
  2. Select your space.
  3. Select Data Model Properties.
  4. On the Space Level Configurations tab, enable or disable your selections for Time Series.
    Note: Enabling multiple time series may result in performance degradation.

    Space Level Configurations

    Note: Contact Infor Support to enable the extended time series functionality. By default, the newer extended time series types (i.e. Week to Date (WTD), Month to Date (MTD), DayAgo (DAGO), Year to Date (YTD), Year Ago Month to Date (YAGO MTD), Year Ago Quarter to Date (YAGOQTD)) are disabled. You must enable the extended time series types from WTD, MTD, DAGO, YAGO YTD, YAGO MTD, YAGOQTD on the Space Level Configurations tab.

    It is important to note that enabling extended time series types would create delays in application loading time.

  5. On the Measure Level Configurations tab, configure aggregations for the selected measures in a given space.
    Measure Level Configurations
  6. Click Apply to save your changes.
Note: Making changes to this setting, particularly removing time series in a space containing existing reports or dashboards, will have a similar impact as removing attributes or measures from an existing data model and could result in errors in running a BQL query due to a missing column.

For example, turning off the Year Ago time series in a space with existing reports using this time series could result in the following message:

A query or expression contains an unknown column. Please contact your administrator. YAGO OrderDate: Sum: Quantity

If there are no time series in the space, the setting will be disabled with all toggles defaulted to off. If the repository has Extended Time Series enabled for the space, then this setting will be disabled with all toggles defaulted to on.

If time series should be customizable in the space but still appear as unavailable, please ensure the space has been published at least once and the Subject Area contains attributes and/or measures.

  • When using time series with imported measures, the parent space must contain the time series being queried in the child space to ensure correct query navigation as well as results accuracy.
  • Enabling or disabling time series in a space is a model change. If your subject area does not reflect these changes, you may have to publish your space if it requires publication for these changes to be promoted to Birst's subject area.
  • Time series calculations are typically computed at different levels of granularity in the model. Turning a time series back on restores the default levels Birst has for that time series