
This table shows the different features and functionality available in Birst Admin. From the Admin page, you can click on a feature to navigate to.

Menu Name Description
User Management Create and manage users and their access from User Management.
Account Groups Manage user groups at the account level, in addition to the existing space level groups. An admin can also provision (enable or disable) features based on account level user groups.
Space Management Manage all the options and settings of a space from Space Management.
Orchestration Create and manage workflows for data extraction, processing, and space operations such as duplicating and swapping spaces
Monitoring View running jobs and their details at an entire account level.
Shared Connections Create and manage connections at an account level that you can reuse across the spaces within your account.
Agents Create, edit, delete, and upgrade cloud agents for an account.
Audit Trail View a log of actions taken in Birst.
SAML Configure SAML for your account.
Telemetry View statistics for the jobs, users, accounts, and spaces in your account.
Compare and Merge Compare metadata objects across spaces and accounts and merge specific metadata types.
External Databases Set up and maintain defined clusters so that users can use external databases.
Application Management View the Birst Applications available in your account