Extracting Data from Omniture SiteCatalyst - Adobe Analytics
Prior to setting up data extraction familiarize yourself with the latest implementation and usage notes at Omniture SiteCatalyst - Adobe Analytics Connector.
To connect to Omniture SiteCatalyst
- On the Home page select a space or create a new one. This is the space to which the data will be uploaded.
- Go to Admin - Define Sources - Application Connectors. Alternatively, click the Use Extractors link on the Admin Navigation page.
- Click New in the Connections panel.
- In Connection Details name the connection.
- Select Omniture SiteCatalyst as the Connector Type.
- Set the Connector API Version.
- For new spaces, select the latest API version (highest version number).
- For
existing spaces, test the latest API version before changing from the
default API version to the latest API version.
Birst determines which version is the default. If the selected API version is no longer available in Birst, the default API version will be automatically assigned. If the default API version is selected, when Birst changes to a new API version as the default, existing spaces will be automatically upgraded to the new default API version.
- Enter your Adobe Analytics login information:
- Username: Provide your Adobe Analytics
User Name without the company name appended; the company is entered in
a separate field. This is the portion of the User Name before the colon
in the Web Service Credentials section on the Users page under User Management,
Admin Tools on the Adobe Marketing Cloud site as shown in the example
This user must be a member of the Web Service Access group on the Groups page under User Management, Admin Tools on the Adobe Marketing Cloud site.
- Company: Provide your company name.
This is the portion of the User Name after the colon in the Web Service
Credentials section on the Users page under User Management, Admin Tools
on the Adobe Marketing Cloud site as shown in the example below.
- Secret Key: Provide the Shared Secret
(an auto-generated string) for the Adobe Analytics user account. The Shared
Secret will be displayed in the Web Service Credentials area for users
that are members of the Web Service Access group when you select the user
on the Users page under User Management, Admin Tools on the Adobe Marketing
Cloud site. You can also find the Shared Secret on the Web Services page
under the heading "API Access Information" by navigating to
Admin, Company Settings, Web Services.
- Environment: Select the environment to use. This is the data center where the Company you logged in with and the report suites reside. Some environments may be production and some may be sandboxes.
- Source File Prefix: You can provide
a Source File Prefix if desired. This is used to avoid conflicts with
other sources that have the same name in Birst.
For example, if you specify "OM" to use as the source file prefix, the name of the sources that
have been extracted from Omniture SiteCatalyst will begin with "OM_"
on the Manage Sources page.
Tip: Your login credentials are automatically saved the first time you log in so you will not need to type this information again.
- Click Login to connect Birst to your Adobe Analytics account.
To extract data from Omniture SiteCatalyst
- To specify
an Omniture SiteCatalyst source to extract, click Add Object. The New
Object dialog box opens.
- For Object
Label, enter the name to use for the source in Birst.
This is the name that will be displayed in Manage Sources tab. The Object
Label may contain only alphanumeric characters, spaces ( ), underscores
(_), and dashes (-).
Important: Do not use the same name as an existing saved object from this or any other connector. It must be unique within a Birst space. Using a source file prefix can help to differentiate similarly named objects. - For Report
Suite ID, select one or more Report Suite IDs tied to your Adobe Analytics
Tip: Instead of selecting Report Suite IDs from the list, you can use a Birst variable to provide the Report Suite IDs. If you have created a variable to use for the Report Suite ID, the Use Variable box appears. Click Use Variable to populate the Report Suite ID list with the variables that exist in the space. Select the variable to use. - After supplying
the Object Label and Report Suite ID, click Get Elements and Metrics.
Birst retrieves the elements and metrics for the Report Suite IDs you entered and populates the Elements and Metrics lists. Click on a list to see its items. If you entered more than one Report Suite ID, only the elements and metrics that the Report Suite IDs have in common are displayed in the Elements and Metrics lists. - Select one
or more elements or element classifications from the Elements list.
Tip: While browsing the Report Suite ID, Elements, and Metrics lists, you can hover over an item to see the technical name of the item as in the example below. This can help you distinguish between items in cases where items have the same friendly name (label). - Select one or more metrics from the Metrics list.
- Optionally, select one or more segments from the Segments list. In the dropdown box, the connector lists segments owned by the user and segments shared to the user. Selecting multiple segments from the dropdown box will "AND" the segments.
Tip: Segments allow you to identify subsets of visitors based on characteristics or website interactions. Further information is available in the Adobe help docs. - In the Start Date and End Date fields, select the beginning and ending dates for which to extract the data, or alternatively, select a variable to use for the start date and end date. If any variables have been created in the space, the Use Variable check boxes appear next to the Start Date and End Date fields. To use a variable, check the Use Variable check box next to the Start Date or End Date. Then select the variable from the list of variables.
- Optionally, click Granularity Day to extract data for each day in the date range.
- Optionally, in the Extract Top Records field enter the number of rows from the top of the query results to be extracted. This is useful if you do not need to retrieve every row.
- Optionally, enter a smaller Page Size. The default page size is 5000 data points, which is the maximum size.
- Click Validate
to verify the syntax.
Depending on the elements selected, some metrics may not apply. Birst provides a message in such cases.
An object can be saved even if it is not valid.
Variables cannot be validated. Variables are replaced with the value at runtime.
1. | Click Save.
After saving the object, Birst
adds it to the list of objects to be extracted in the Data Sources table. It
is now ready for extraction. ![]() Tip: To edit an object, click on the hyperlinked name. To remove an object from the extraction list, click the ![]() |
2. | In the Extract Group Name field, specify the name of one or more extract groups (separated by commas) for each object so that specific objects can be extracted and processed separately from others. Click Save after adding extract group names. See Creating Extract Groups. |
3. | Click Extract
to upload the selected objects to Birst.
You will be prompted to select the extract group to use. Important: Selecting All in the Extract Group dialog will extract all selected objects, even those that do not belong to extract groups. |
4. | Depending
on the size of the data objects, the extraction may take a few minutes.
You can safely log out of Birst
while the extraction takes place and log back in later. Tip: To cancel the extraction, click the Cancel Extract link under the progress bar. ![]() |
5. | When the extraction
is finished, the objects you extracted display in the Data Sources table
with an updated date and time under Last Updated. Tips: |
Click the Last Extract Log link to view the logs from the data extraction and check for errors.
If your object extraction contains more than one Report Suite ID, check the last extract log to see if all Report Suite IDs extracted successfully. As long as one Report Suite ID can be extracted, the extraction will be performed for that Report Suite ID even if the extraction fails for one or more of the other Report Suite IDs. Errors will be logged for the Report Suite IDs that were not successfully extracted. If you are extracting an object using only one Report Suite ID and the Report Suite ID fails, the extraction will fail.
6. | Click the Manage Sources tab to view the columns and raw data from the extracted objects. See Defining Column Properties. |
Next Steps
When you are ready to process the extracted data, go to the Process New Data page under the Process Data tab. To schedule extractions from Omniture SiteCatalyst, use the Schedule Data Processing page under the Process Data tab.
See Also
Extraction and Data Processing for Cloud Applications
Processing Data
Creating Extract Groups