Visualizer report requirements for ICBI widget

This list shows the requirements for reports that can be displayed in the ICBI widget:

  • The report must be a Visualizer report.
  • When creating the report, do not use fields from the ICBI Custom Subject Area. This subject area is reserved for mapping the information from Infor Birst to the application. It is not meant to be used with Visualizer reports.
  • The Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le user must have access to the report in Infor Birst in order to view it in the application. Report access is based on folder permissions in Report Catalog.
  • Admins can enable filtering for ICBI reports.
    • To allow filtering, add a filter with the same column to the report. The value of the filter should be set to is not missing.
    • Users can filter on one, many, all, or none of the columns.
    • Filters can be applied to a report that are not part of the ICBI message.
    • Filters are applied in ICBI regardless of whether a filter is enabled or disabled in the Visualizer report.
    • If no ICBI-message-filter is present on the report, then no filters are applied to ICBI.
      Note: Global filters are not supported.
    • When using accountingEntity to filter, an accountingEntity column must exist. Filtering will work even if the column is hidden on the report.