Print settings

After saving, you can use the Print option to configure the print settings of your report.

Note: The Print option is only available to users with the Enable Download ACL. These chart types do not support Print: Spline, Areaspline, Points, Semi-donut, and Geomap.
  1. Click Print.
  2. From the Print Preview screen, you can set the print parameters for the report include page size, page orientation, page width, page height, and margin size. As you make changes to the settings, you see the changes reflected on the preview image.
  3. You can select the Save Configuration check box for a Visualizer report. When this is selected, the print settings on the Visualizer report are used as the default print settings when that report is embedded as a dashlet on the dashboard.
    Note: The report must be saved before this option is available.

  4. Select Print. A PDF of the report will download to your computer. If you checked Save Configuration, the configuration for your report will save.