Embedding Visualizer reports in Infor Ming.le using a web page widget

The process for embedding visualizer reports is relatively straightforward once you have your Birst SAML configuration and Infor Ming.leTM Service Provider configuration set up.

  1. From your Infor Ming.le home page, create a new web page.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify Birst SSO 2.
    Specify Birst Embedded Viz Reports.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click the (+) Add Widget button and select the Web widget.
  5. Add as many widgets as you want to the page and re-size them.
  6. Click Configure Widget.
  7. Specify the URL based on the SSO parameters and Birst environment.
  8. Specify the embed URL code for each report in separate web page widgets.
    Note: The Visualizer report is interactive with filters and drill down actions.

    The Birst environment URL is required and several parameters that are specific to your space and report names, for example,
