Configuring number of segments for pie, donut, and semi-donut charts

Number of Segments controls the number of segments displayed on pie, donut, and semi-donut harts. By default, all categories are displayed on the chart. When a number is specified, an additional other segment is displayed. The other segment combines all remaining categories. If the number of segments selected is greater than the number of categories, all segments are displayed.

  1. After creating your chart, select Chart Formatting > Number of Segments.
  2. From the Number of segments options, select a predefined number of segments, or specify a number in the Custom field. When using a custom number, you must click Apply.
  3. The highest value categories are displayed. The remaining values are combined into another segment. For example, if you select 16 as the custom number, the largest 16 segments are displayed on the chart along with the other segment for a total of 17 segments. To see additional information, hover over the other segment displays.
  4. Click the other segments to display the remaining segments. Depending on the number of remaining segments, you can click the other segment up to three times. The first click displays up to 1/3 of the remaining values, clicking the other segment a second time displays half of the remaining values, and clicking the other value a third time displays the final remaining values.
  5. To combine the segments again, click the Refresh icon. Depending on the number of remaining segments, you can click the Refresh icon up to three times.