Querying Birst from embedding web pages

An embedded web page can send a BQL query to be executed in a parent Birst application.

Use the BirstConfig.getData to send the query, for example,

	BirstConfig.getData("SELECT TOP 100 USING OUTER JOIN 
             [Order_Date: Sum: Quantity] 'COL0',
             [Products.ProductName] 'COL1'  FROM [ALL]");

Sample Code: RunningBQuery

The RunningBQuery sample shows how a web page can initiate a query in Birst. See RunningBQuery.

Sample Code: Update D3 Using BQL

The UpdateD3UsingBQL sample shows an Iframe in a web page using BQL, filters, and the D3 library. The D3 visualization updates when a the Products.ProductName filter is updated in the Birst application. See Update D3 Using BQL.

Note: Alternatively, use the Dashboards 2.0 HTML Editor to embed JavaScript in a dashlet. See Embedding HTML.