Create parent/child filter groups

Parent/child filter groups are sets of related filters that let the user narrow down a set of results based on a logical hierarchy of sets and subsets, such as geography or time. Filter groups are supported for standard filters only, not for embedded filters.

Note: Only list filters can be added to a filter group.

When you add a filter to a filter group, Dashboards creates a copy of the original filter. Because the filters in a filter group are copies, you can make changes to a filter in a group without affecting the original filter outside the group.

  1. Create the filters. For example, Retailer Region and Retailer Country.
    Note: For better performance and usability, set a default value for the top filter in the group.
  2. In the Filters panel, click +Create New Filter.
  3. Select either Filter Group or Native Filter Group.
    • A Filter Group is available for use on all dashboards in a space.
    • A Native Filter Group is only available for the specific dashboard it was created on.
  4. Specify a name for the filter, then click the Confirm icon.
    • Filter cards are automatically arranged in alphabetical order from left to right at the top of the dashboard. If you are creating multiple filters and the ordering is important, consider how you name them.
    • Different filters can have the same name. For example, you may want to present filter options differently on different dashboards, but use the same filter name.
  5. In the New Filter Group, drag and drop the filters into the group panel. You can drag to arrange the filters in the hierarchical order you prefer. Drag a filter to the right and underneath to make it a sub-filter.
  6. Click Edit on the Filter Title, and then specify a name for the filter group.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Done. The Filters list updates to show new filter group.
  9. Check the new filter to enable it.
    Note: Individual filters in the new group are automatically marked as already active with the "i" icon.
  10. Verify which dashlet reports this filter group applies. Reports with the filter show a Filter icon in the lower left of the report. Click the icon if you do not wish a particular report to use the filter.
  11. Click Publish to save the dashboard. Business users can traverse the filter group in the Filters panel.