Measure level settings

Some functionality of the Measure Level Settings feature is still in development, and so this feature is in Beta Release. Measure Level Settings Beta is accessible in 2022.06 by adding ?measureLevel as a subdirectory after navigating to Data Model Properties. For example: .
Note: The user must log in first and then add the subdirectory URL path. For Measure Level Settings feedback, contact your Customer Success Manager.

You can enable or disable time series aggregations for measures that are not needed across a space from a single location in Space Management. For example, users can disable the SUM aggregation for the Employee ID measure since users never need to sum employee ID values.

The table below shows the different measure data types and the column level key settings and the resulting available aggregation types.

Measure Data Types Column is a level key? Aggregations available Tooltip message
Integer, Float, Number No Count, Count Distinct, Avg, Max, Min, Sum Numerical data can be aggregated using Count, Count Distinct, Average, Min, Max and Sum.
Varchar, Date, DateTime No Count, Count Distinct, Max, Min Calendar or Varchar data can be aggregated using Count, Count Distinct, Min and Max.
Integer, Number, Varchar, Date, DateTime Yes Greyed out (cannot be modified): Count, Count Distinct Aggregations for Level key columns cannot be changed.
Float Yes Count, Count Distinct, Avg, Max, Min, Sum Numerical data can be aggregated using Count, Count Distinct, Average, Min, Max and Sum.
Note: If you select an aggregation type that is not valid for a measure, the application displays an Invalid column.

You can access the measure settings from the Measure Level Configurations tab in Data Model Properties for a particular space.

This table shows the columns in the Measure Level Settings table.

Column Description
Measure The measure name.
Data Type The data type for that measure.
Aggregation The aggregations currently enabled for that measure in that space. You can make changes to the Aggregation field for a measure in-line.
Valid If the aggregation types selected for the measure are valid. A green check mark displays for valid aggregation types, a red X is displayed for any invalid aggregation types.
Note: The Valid column displays only if multiple rows are selected.

You can also select multiple measures and make changes simultaneously. When a measure or multiple measures are selected in the grid, an Action Bar is displayed at the bottom of the page. Users can use the Time Series and Aggregation list fields in the Action Bar to make changes to the selected measures at the same time.

Note: You can use the filter and sort options at the top of the Measure Level Settings window to manage how the measures are organized in the table.

Known Issues of Measure Level Settings

  • Changing aggregations for specific measures leaves your time-series for measures set at space level unaffected. However, if the Admin changes and saves the time-series at the space level, all the aggregations for measures are reset to the default settings.
  • Additionally, if there are any changes made in the source (for example, a scripted source is opened and the user adds a column), and then the space is published, all Aggregation settings are also reset to the default settings.
  • If any measure in an existing report with an aggregation or time-series setting is removed from a report, the report is not disrupted. If you go to that report, that deselected time-series or aggregation type is still present and selected. If you recreate that report, those time-series and aggregation types would not be included.
  • If the same measure is coming from different Fact tables, the aggregation type for that measure must be changed to the same aggregation type setting in the different Fact tables. Otherwise, the measure setting is not applied in Visualizer, Dashboard, and so on.
    Note: Admins can ensure this by doing a search for the measure name and changing the aggregation setting of all the measures with the same name.