Creating custom attributes

  1. From Admin, select Space Management. Then, select a space from the Spaces panel.
  2. Click Custom Attributes & Measures.
  3. Select the Custom Attributes tab.
  4. Click + Create New to create a new custom attribute.

  5. Specify this information for the custom attribute:

    The name for the new custom attribute.
    Select the dimension to determine the attributes that can be contained in the formula.
    Enabling this allows the attribute to be included in the Audit Trail when queried.
    Formula Field
    Enter the formula for the new custom attribute.
    Use Columns
    Select the columns to be used in the Formula field. The available columns are determined by the selected Dimension.
  6. Click Save. The Custom Attributes tab lists the new custom attribute.
  7. To modify or delete a custom attribute, select the custom attribute and then click either Edit or Delete icon.