Miscellaneous commands


Add cloud connection. Arguments are Login token, space id, and cloud connection.


Cancels an asynchronous job. Arguments include the Login token, space id, and job token. Returns True if cancellation request is successful.


Gets the status for all connections of a space. Status is either Active or Inactive.

Example results:

Executing command: checkconnectionsDefault Connection, Active

There is no web service for this command.


Clears both the query and dashboard caches for a space at once. By default it clears the current space. Optionally you can specify another space.

clearcache {spaceID|space_name}


clearcache "Acme Labs Space" 

Alternatively, you can use the clearCacheInSpace and clearDashboardCache web services.


Used to delete an existing birst connect agent. Arguments are Login token and agent ID and returns true if successful.


Used to delete cloud connection. Arguments are Login token, space id and connection id.


Drop the named aggregate. The definition must already exist.

dropaggregate aggregate_name


Extracts data sources from any available Connection.

Arguments are Login token, space id, Connector Name, Connection Name, Extract Group list and returns an extraction token.

Note: Use getJobStatus and isJobComplete to check the status.


Used to get the health status of agents. Arguments are agent IDs and returns agent status.


Allows users to find the ID of specific objects for use in other commands.

Note: Users are only allowed to run getid for to get the ID of a given connection.


  • Users need to be account administrators to perform the getid command

The specific inputs for the getid command are:



{[SpaceID|/[SpaceName]}is an optional input. If it is not provided, it is assumed that the user meant to run this command at the account level. If it is provided, only the object types for the space specified in the command is returned. Object type example: connection

[objectName] represents the name of the object for the ID that is requested.

getid example:

getid 32f85168-3223-4138-b238-1a1998b24d07 connection "Data Lake Shared Connection" 
getid connection "Data Lake Shared Connection" 


Returns the max size allowed for email messages.


List cloud connections. Arguments are Login token and spaceId. It would return list of connection.


Lists all users.


Migrates Birst Connect 1.0 Live Access connections metadata to Birst 2.0 Live Access connection.

migratelaconnectiontobc2 [spacename | spaceid] [bc1connectionname | connectionid] [agentname]


Persist the named aggregate. This creates the aggregate table or tables in the data store (warehouse). The definition must already exist, as defined in Admin - Customize Space - Manage Aggregates. Use the persistaggregate command when you want to create the aggregate tables without reprocessing all of the data. When the command completes, an email is sent to the Space Owner.

persistaggregate aggregate_name
 If a PersistAggregate failure occurs, a space administrator must intervene to fix the problem with the PersistAggregate error. When a PersistAggregate failure occurs, the application does not mark the entire ETL process as a failure. This leads to a scenario where the aggregate cannot be used for the space, and there is no indication to users that the failure occurred. Instead, processing is shown as successful in the publishing logs but orchestration and monitoring logs show failures without any error messages.


Rebuild the indices for the space schema of the current space.

Note: If you are an Appliance customer, you must use Birst repository databases on a SQL Server only to use this command.


Used to register a new Birst connect agent. Arguments are Login token, agent name and agent description and returns the unique id of the registered agent.


The repointconnection command allows sources in a space to be repointed to a different shared connection.

repointConnections Space_1 SMD_Connection Connection

One use case is when a space is copied into another Birst account that does not have access to the original shared connection. This is because shared connections are only accessible within the account in which they are created. In this situation, the sources are inaccessible until the connection is repointed to a valid shared connection in the Birst account.

Note: Users are only able to repoint shared connections (e.g created at the account level, accessible across spaces). "Standard connections" (e.g. connections created within a space) cannot be repointed.


  • Users need to be an space administrator to perform the repointconnection command.
  • The space for which the user is running the command needs to belong to the account that the user is an administrator of.
  • The new shared connection that the user wants to repoint the connection to needs to belong to the account that the user is an administrator of.

The specific inputs for the repointconnection command are:

[spaceId] [fromConnectionId] [toConnectionId] 

Where spaceId is a specific customer space id, fromConnectionId is the id of the original connection that was used for the shared connection, and toConnectionId is the shared connection id for that the user wishes to repoint the connection to. For example:

repointconnection 48d55c60-0237-47fc-b655-a78251759097 72457947373214185445798787380818 

Related commands:

  • getid connection "[shared connection name]"
    Note: This command needs to run in the space/account where each shared connection was created. See the getid command.
  • getspaceid "[space name]"
    Note: The user must be a space admin of this space.


Repoints the imported networks in child space from existing parent space to new parent space.

When you copy a child space and its networks, the networks in the child space point to the original parent space that the networks originated from by default. If you want the networks in the new copied child space to point to a copy of the parent space, (i.e. a copy of the original space from which the networks originated), you must employ the repointNetworks web service to change where the networks in the copied child space point. This API lets you change the parentID of the imported network in the newly copied child space. See the Birst Command Web Service library for more details.
repointnetworks [childspaceid][existingparentspaceid][newparentspaceid] 


Arguments are the Login token, childSpace Id, oldParentSpace Id, newParentSpace Id

Note: The oldParentSpace Id supports Read Only spaces.
When you copy a child space and its packages, the packages in the child space point to the original parent space that the packages originated from by default. If you want the packages in the new copied child space to point to a copy of the parent space, (i.e. a copy of the original space from which the packages originated), you must employ the repointPackages web service to change where the packages in the copied child space point. This API lets you change the parentID of the imported package in the newly copied child space. See the Birst Command Web Service library for more details.


Used to map agents to Connections. Arguments are Login token, and connection to agent mappings.


Defines the max size allowed for email messages in bytes.

setmaxmessagesize limit 


setmaxmessagesize 1000 

This sets the max email message size to 1000 bytes.


Sets the value of a variable.

setvariable variable_name value 


Enables or disables Async Processing for a given space.

updateasyncprocessingstatus [spaceId] [enable:true|false] 


Used to update an existing Birst connect agent. Arguments are Login token, agent ID, new agent name and new agent description and returns true if successful.


Used to update cloud connection. Arguments are Login token, space id, connection id and cloud connection.


Update query optimization statistics on tables and/or index views of the space. For SQL Server only.

Not available as a web service.


Used to upgrade an existing Birst connect agent. Arguments are Login token and agent IDs and returns true if successful.


Run rules against the repository to validate the metadata. This command is not available as a web service.

validatemetadata all 
validatemetadata rule ruleName 
validatemetadata rulegroup ruleGroupName


validatemetadata rule IncrementalSnapshotFact 
validatemetadata rulegroup "Data Sources"