Groups management in Admin

You can access Account Groups from the Admin page by clicking Account Groups. Birst Account Administrators can manage user groups at the account level, in addition to the existing space level groups. An Account Administrator can also provision (enable or disable) features based on account level user groups.

After creating your Account Group, you can start adding users to the account group. When a user belongs to multiple account groups, the user's permissions are inclusive.
Note: The type ahead feature is enabled when adding users to account groups for ease of finding existing users in the account.

With the creation of Account Level Groups, Space Administrators can assign account level groups to custom subject areas (CSAs).

Space Administrators can assign report (folder/file) security permissions to account level groups.
Note: You select the report folder and right-hand click to select the report folder permission option to open the following dialogue action box.

Birst Account Administrators can now assign account level user groups to data level security groups.

If there are space level groups, you cannot see account level groups to assign to data level security groups.
Note: Deleting users from an account will remove them from any associated account groups. Users can pass account groups as a session variable for SSO/SAML.