Conditional Formatting for Tables and Crosstabs

You can format tables and crosstabs based on conditional (IF) statements. The IF condition is based on the value of the column data.

To format tables and crosstabs based on conditions

1. Click in a column of a table.
2. Click Table Formatting.
3. In the Table Formatting panel, click IF conditional.

The Conditional Formatting menu opens. Visualizer lists the columns you can format.  

You can toggle formatting on or off, after you define the formatting, using the toggle button.
4. To define the formatting click one of the conditions. Visualizer shows the basic formatting options for the type of data in the column.
Tip: If basic formatting options don't apply to the data, Visualizer shows the advanced formatting options, where you can enter an expression. See Step 6.
5. In basic formatting, you can format the data using one, two, or three intervals. The default is one.

You can add an icon and change the color of the data in the cell. For example, Quantity over a specified amount can show an Up arrow and be rendered in green.

Use the slider to set the conditional threshold.

You can also format the values below the threshold. For example, specify a color and icon for lower values.

This technique formats every cell.

To add additional formatting or leave some cells plain, click the Interval icon for two or three intervals.
For example, to add a formatting to only the top and bottom ranges, select 2 intervals and format them.
6. Optionally, use Advanced formatting and enter an expression or multiple expressions. Assign each expression a color and/or an indicator icon, and click Apply.

Tip: For help with expressions, see Supported Functions and Operators in Visualizer Expressions.
7. When you are finished defining conditional formatting, click Done.