Adding a Visualizer Report to a Dashboard

Visualizer and Dashboards 2.0

To add a Visualizer Report to a new Dashboards 2.0 page, from the Home page click Dashboards 2.0. If there aren't any existing dashboards, a new empty dashboard opens. If you already have one or more dashboards, the default one displays. To make a new one, click the Dashboards Folder to open the list. Locate the collection that will hold the dashboard, and click Add Dashboard.

See Creating Dashboards 2.0.

Visualizer and Original or HTML5 Dashboards

You can drag and drop a Visualizer report onto a dashlet in the original Dashboard Editor.

Visualizer reports and Designer reports can coexist on the same HTML5 dashboard page.  See About HTML5 Dashboards.

Visualizer reports cannot be viewed in the classic (Flash) version of Dashboards. You add it there and view it in HTML5.

Any prompts that are applied to the dashboard will be applied to the Visualizer reports as well as the Designer reports in the dashboard.

To make changes to a Visualizer report in a dashboard, open the report in Visualizer and make the changes. The changes you make to the Visualizer report are reflected in the dashboards that contain the report.

To include a Visualizer report in an original or HTML5 dashboard

1. In the original Dashboards module, either:

Create a new dashboard tab or dashboard page. See Creating New Dashboards.

Edit an existing dashboard page by right-clicking the dashboard page name and selecting Edit.
The Dashboard Editor opens.

2. In the Add Reports section select the Visualizer report and drag it to a dashlet. The name of the report displays in the dashlet header.

Important: The Visualizer report does not display in the dashlet in the Dashboard Editor during editing.
3. Click Edit in the dashlet header. The Dashlet Properties dialog box opens.

Dashboard Editor displays the name and location of the report file in the Report field.  
Tip: The Change option is not available for Visualizer reports. To change the Visualizer report in a dashlet, drag and drop a different Visualizer report into it.

4. You can change the Title. The Title is the name that will appear in the dashlet header; by default it is the name of the report.  
5. Click Enable Visualizer.
6. Select the View Mode for the way you would like to display the dashlet.

Select Default to display headers and borders for the dashlet.

 Select Auto to use global property settings for headers and borders.

Select No Header to not display a header for the dashlet.

Select No Header & Borders to not display a header or borders for the dashlet.

7. Click Save in the dialog box.
8. Click Save at the top of the page to save the dashboard.
9.  Right-click the dashboard Page and select View as HTML5 to see the Visualizer report in the HTML5 dashboard.
10. If you are using the HTML5 Dashboards module, the Visualizer report displays in the dashboard in a new browser.
If you are not set up to use the HTML5 dashboards see Assigning Users to the HTML5 Version of Dashboards.
11. The Visualizer symbol indicates that the original report is from Visualizer.  Click it to open the report in Visualizer.

Learn More

Visualizer Report Basics

Working with Chart Reports

Working with Tabular Reports