Adding Attributes Using Colors, Sizes, or Shapes

You can use colors or shapes or sizes to add attributes for more complex charts. Based on the type of the column you add, Visualizer helps you choose between different visual elements and different chart types.

After you add the first measure and attribute, as you drag another attribute from the Subject Area to the Chart Builder or Canvas, Visualizer recommends how the measure or attribute can be visualized. Drop the measure or attribute over the option you want and Visualizer creates the new chart style.

You can:

To add colors to a chart

1. In Visualizer, add a measure and an attribute to plot a chart. For example, Revenue by Year/Quarter as a column chart.
2. You can divide the columns into colored sections that represent another visual dimension. Search or browse for an attribute and drag it to the Chart Builder. You can either:

Drag and drop the attribute onto Color.  

Drag and drop the attribute onto one of the suggested visual options. This is also a way to change the chart type.

For example, adding Retail Region to Color.

When you use the Color bucket, the Chart Settings menu allows you to select different ways to visualize your data for your chart type.

If you display segments such as with a stack, you can toggle the Display Segment Values option to show the values within the segment, space permitting.

You can change how the Region dimension colors appear in a column chart. For example, show the color bars by percentage.

3. Click Save .

For more color palette options see Creating Color Palettes for Attributes.

To add sizes to a visualization

Some visualizations are more useful when you add a dimension represented as Size.

1. You can add a measure to a bar chart and change it to another chart type that uses Size. Visualizer suggests charts that work best with Size. Following on from the previous example, drag the Quantity measure to the Canvas and choose bubble chart from the options.  

Visualizer creates a bubble chart using the Quantity measure as the size of the bubbles.


In a bubble chart, click on items in the legend to hide or show bubbles in the chart.

Hover over a data point to see its details.

2. Click Save .

To add shapes to a visualization

Some visualizations are more useful when you add an attribute represented as Shape.

1. You can add an attribute to a bubble chart and change it to another chart type that uses Shape. Visualizer suggests charts that work best with Shape. Following on from the previous example, drag the Store Type attribute to the to the Canvas and choose scatter chart from the options.  

Visualizer creates a scatter chart using the Store Type attribute as the style of the shape.


The Legend has an Include/Exclude toggle to show or hide labels in the visualization.

When a Legend gets large it hides some of the items. To see hidden items click Plus.

2. Click Save.

Learn More

Visualizer Report Basics

Working with Chart Reports