Dashboards 2.0 Report Export Formats

Business users can export reports from Dashboards 2.0 in a variety of formats, as listed in the following table.


Export Format

Data to Excel   * * *
Email Export     * * *
Image to Excel        
Excel Pivot Table        
Comma-separated-values (CSV)        
PowerPoint (PPT) ** ** **

**Note: As of 5.33 Limited Availability.


  • Visualizer charts exported to Excel do not look exactly like the report in Visualizer. For example, Visualizer reports exported to Excel do not support break-by sub-summaries.
  • If the end user changes a Visualizer report format in Dashboards 2.0 using column selectors, those new styles will not be exported, only the original report style is exported.
  • Visualizer reports exported to Excel are limited to 50,000 rows and 15 columns.
  • You will not have an option to export a dashboard if one or more dashlets on that dashboard have disabled their "export as" option.

The following details will be included on an export:

  • Collection Name
  • Dashboard Name
  • Applied Filters
  • Export timestamp
  • Page Numbers
  • Report Name (Visualizer reports only)

Special Cases for Visualizer Table Exports and Excel

When exporting Visualizer reports to Excel, there could be discrepancies between summary totals in Visualizer versus Excel Summary Total. For columnar tables, the following use cases produced discrepancies for calculated Custom Summary Totals reported by the exported Excel reports due to their inability to apply formulas against the data in the database but rather against the values listed solely in the exported Visualizer report. In these uses case, Visualizer now employs a bare table export.

The use cases impacting Custom Summaries for columnar tables are as follows:

  • Total Distinct Count
  • Weighted Average
  • Custom Summaries based on Expressions

In addition to columnar tables, Crosstab table exports were also impacted by the following uses cases.

  • Total Distinct Count
  • Weighted Average
  • Custom Summaries based on Expressions
  • Count
  • Count Distinct

In these use cases, Visualizer simply exports the tabular data to avoid the miscalculation of the custom summaries.

The following example illustrates the behavior (before and after the fix) that occurs for calculating the Weighted Average custom summary where Excel was attempting to employ formulas against the data in the Visualizer in the tabular report whereas the Visualizer report could calculate the Custom Summary value against all the data in the database:

And here is a use case behavior (before and after the fix) for a Visualizer Crosstab report employing the Count Custom Summary: