Known Issues

The following known issues exist in the 2022.10 release.

Known Issues Regarding Browsers

  • The following URLs are case sensitive. They must use title case. For example, will work, but will not.
    • CommandWebService.asmx
    • TokenGenerator.aspx
    • SSO.aspx
    • AppExchangeSSO.aspx
  • Certain Internet Explorer 10 configurations results in the Home page displaying in the Flash version. This occurs when the browser is in Compatibility Mode.
  • Google Chrome browser support for Adobe PDF reader is no longer supported. See the Adobe User Guide (Google Chrome topic) at See Chrome user forum for possible workaround.!topic/chrome/UyfmhFz.
  • The Visualizer staging menu can disappear in a Chrome browser if you change the browser font size in the browser settings menu, from medium (recommended) to large or extra-large. If you revert the font size back to medium, it will restore the staging menu.
  • Firefox users are unable to upload files using the "Browser Upload" option.

Known Issue Regarding HTML5 Fonts

  • Some of the new HTML5-based UIs leverage remote Google fonts. If your environment blocks Google, then some fonts may not render properly.

Known Issues for Classic Birst

  • When any parent space is processed, the child space reports will show a processing error on the dashboard even though a report in the child space is not using dimensions and measures from that parent space package.
  • From Flash Admin, if a scripted source is saved with blank BQL and ETL text areas and then viewed in Modeler Prepare, the scripted source is converted to a raw source.
  • If the Create Pronto Space option is enabled for a user through Classic Admin, those security settings will be honored even if the user's account group security doesn't have Create Professional Space enabled. Disable Create Pronto Space option for the user.
  • In network BI use cases, a child space provides access to Visualizer, Designer and Dashboards upon importing the parent's data in the child space to allow its users to use networked information in the child space. The first time a local source is created in the child space, the Visualizer, Dashboard and Designer modules will no longer be accessible from the Classic Home page until the local data is processed. To see these modules on the Classic Home again, process the child space. Alternatively, Dashboard, Designer and Visualizer remains accessible from the New Home page.

Known Issue Regarding Infor Integration

  • Multi-space limitation for current Birst integration with Infor Ming.le.

Known Issues for Dashboards 2.0

  • The default date format is incorrect for existing KPIs created when users used GetVariable('LoadDate') after the 7.2 release. The workaround is to disable and reformat the Units from the measure in the KPI:
    1. From the KPI Builder, select Measure .
    2. Click Formatting. You can format: Units: None (no commas), Thousands (K), Millions (M), Billions (B), or percent (%). Auto is the default selection for Dashboard 2.0.
    3. Manually change Units to "None" (Units: None).
  • Users working with the Visualizer Geomap feature should be aware of limitations in the number of data points/records that can be plotted using this type of visualization. Geomaps were built with use cases in mind where highly aggregated data is displayed using these maps. Geomaps perform best when the number of data points does not exceed 500 data points. Individual results can also be affected by the resources of the computer where the client is running. We suggest when using Geomaps, you first start with a small number of data points and increase the number of data points incrementally. Geomaps performance may decrease or become unresponsive when too many data points are being plotted. If users require data points that exceed the capabilities of Visualizer Geomap charts, they should use a third-party tool built for mapping visualization and embed the charts generated from these tools into Birst.
  • Interactive consumption right-click context menu does not support multiple hyperlinks.
  • When a report name contains special characters such as square brackets [], it may not export successfully to Excel. A workaround is to change the report name and remove any special characters.
  • When linking filters, it is possible to create a filter reference cycle that prevents all filter options from loading in the UI. Reported on iOS.
  • When exporting a Visualizer report as PDF from Dashboards 2.0, any changes to the legend positions made in Dashboards 2.0 are not included in the exported PDF. The PDF shows the legend positions that were set in Visualizer.
  • Embedded filter titles do not display with the Chrome browser in a Mac OS.
  • If a user does not have a default dashboard set, they are re-directed to old dashboard page from (/apps/#/pronto).
  • The Admin button for the Admin 2.0 entry point is not visible at bottom of the Dashboard navigation pan.
  • KPI Smart Insights will continue to use the flash version of Subject Area and can be opened there regardless of the Subject Area flag setting. There is a known issue when using the new Subject Area that prevented the Smart Insights from displaying when a user tried to open the KPI Insights.
  • After performing a deep copy of a Dashboard, the application can display incorrect filters on the copied Dashboard in Publish mode.
  • When a user sends a notification using SendGrid to multiple users and that notification fails, the sender of the notification receives a failed notification email for every intended recipient.
  • Reports and reports published on a dashboard should always display data, and users should be able to apply dashboard's filters/prompts when processing an Always-On space.
    • A known issue is that users cannot query their reports & reports published on dashboards during data processing for normal spaces. In these scenarios, the Always-On feature ensures high availability and simultaneous access to reports and dashboards while a space is processing.
    • There is a scenario where users will not have access to data for a period of time (10-15 seconds) in an Always-On space, depending on the size of the space metadata during post data processing steps.
    • Users may get the message "No data returned. Try changing filters" with reports & reports published on dashboard during post processing steps such as repository initialization, clearing cache, reloading repository, and so on. During this process, dashlets are temporarily unavailable. Additionally, the space needs a few seconds post-processing to perform space context loading activities.
  • There is a known issue that generates the notifications report on the 28th of every month even though notifications are disabled and users are not generating the report manually.
  • When there are two columns in a Designer report that slightly overlap, only one of them displays in the Dashlet Excel export report. The workaround is to not have the columns overlap each other. This known issue impacts Excel reports only and not PDF, PPT, and CSV formats.
  • Known issue that prevents users from filtering "Is Missing" records and data using a dashboard filter created using a saved expression. Dashboard filters on saved expressions are not supported.

Known Issues for Subject Area

  • The center panel in Networks has also not been updated to use the new Subject Area, but the other parts in Networks will use the new Subject Area. 
  • Duplicating the same folder name displays an error message stating that the Subject Area cannot be saved. Folders of the same name cannot be created. 
  • Users cannot add items inside the Measure folder.  
  • Users cannot set, see, or rename properties and the description inside of a measure. User can only remove date types and aggregation types inside a measure.
  • Cannot see attributes and measures in a custom subject area (CSA) when the CSA name contains special characters. The same custom CSA will display those attributes and measures in designer.
  • Measures added to a CSA in an older version of Birst that have Aggregation and By Date selected are not available and do not display for added measures. Measures that were added to a CSA without selecting an Aggregation/Date only are displayed the new Subject Area.
  • Folders that were created in a CSA in an older version of Birst from the old Subject Area do not display in the new Subject Area.
  • When a user removes a report expression in Visualizer, such as in a Visualizer table, the report expression can no longer be searched in the Subject Area. Now, report expressions can be browsed.
  • There is a known issue that occurs when a user searches in Visualizer where custom measures can incorrectly appear as empty folders in the search results in new Subject Area.
  • When a user maps objects and navigates to Visualizer, BC2 LA source objects are sometimes do not fully populate and display on the page. The user can either wait up to 10 seconds for the sources to load correctly or click the Default Subject Area again to reload the sources on the page. Note: A message now displays in the user interface to inform the user that the application is working on processing the subject areas.
  • BC1 LA sources created from a Flash user interface screen are not populated on Visualizer. A workaround is for the user to toggle the space for the sources to populate in Visualizer.
  • An error occurred when a user selected an imported CSA attribute/measure column to create a report.
  • There is a known issue where a Custom Group with more than 10 subgroups are not supported in the application due to a limitation with SQL Server 2019.
  • When a user edits a KPI that was created from a saved expression, the application does not display that original expression.
  • When creating an expression in the BQL Editor 2.0, the search is only using the first 8 characters of the column, leading to the scenario where columns shorter than 8 characters are not found.
  • The BQL Editor 2.0 is incorrectly defaulting to the default subject area for users that do not have access to that subject area or are not part of the Birst space group for that subject area.
  • When swap commands are executed, space groups are not swapped. CSA metadata files are swapped but are not updated to remove space groups from the origin space.
  • Users cannot drag an aggregation from one CSA to another. A warning message now displays when a user attempts to move an aggregation to a new CSA and is directed to use the Default Subject Area.
  • Disabling a filter that was applied on a search does not return the search results to the complete unfiltered results.
  • There is a known issue that caused empty folders to display when folders should not display if they do not contain an item. For example, Data Buckets, Custom Groupings, and Other Expressions were displayed even though they were empty.
  • When users add data to a new subject area from a connected data source and then disconnect the data source in Modeler, folders that contained data added to the subject area persist. These folders in the subject area are empty because the data source was disconnected, but users can still interact with the folders. When a data source is disconnected, and a user clicks Resync All Subject Areas located in AdminSpace ManagementSubject Area, folders of data from the source should be disabled.

Known Issues for Visualizer

  • The average weight summary value in a Visualizer tabular report is returning the sum of the weighted average values rather than the weighted average. The individual cell values are returning the correct average weight value.
  • Visualizer reports can have at most 9 custom sub-groups plus the 1 "other" sub group for a total of 10 sub-groups.
  • The new Advanced Analytics feature in Visualizer is not available for Appliance.
  • For spaces created prior to Jun 2013, summaries in crosstab reports may be incorrect. If you see this issue, please contact Support and they can apply a fix.
  • The blue filter icon does not highlight on the table header for filter columns based on expressions.
  • Measures can only be sorted in the first chart of a series of Trellis charts.
  • You cannot change the aggregation type for a measure during pre-filtering.
  • Geomap legends don’t reflect conditional colors.
  • Geomap zoom level of a map changes after applying data formatting options.
  • Unable to sort by second category in the Sort bucket if that category is an expression.
  • Sorting on row summary in crosstab is not working when the parent header option is enabled.
  • In some cases, exporting a Visualizer report to Excel does not include all rows. If the Top N result set is configured, try changing the value to “All”.
  • When users stretch the Y axis in a Visualizer chart and saves the report, the Y axis reverts to the original default dimensions.
  • Users working with the Visualizer Geomap feature should be aware of limitations in the number of data points/records that can be plotted using this type of visualization. Geomaps were built with use cases in mind where highly aggregated data is displayed using these maps. Geomaps perform best when the number of data points does not exceed 500 data points. Individual results can also be affected by the resources of the computer where the client is running. We suggest that when using Geomaps, you first start with a small number of data points and increase the number of data points incrementally. Geomaps display reduced performance, and potentially become unresponsive, when too many data points are being plotted. If users require data points that exceed the capabilities of Visualizer Geomap charts, they should use a third-party tool specifically built for mapping visualization and embed the charts generated from these tools into Birst.
  • Dynamic labeling containing expressions are not displaying evaluated labels when merging multiple axis.
  • Trendline reports are not working with parameterized filters on dashboards.
  • Columns with records exceeding the space's row limit will not be rendered in Visualizer.
  • Grand-summary values from exported Excel file does not match with UI.
  • Custom expressions created in Subject Area of Space Management cannot be edited in subject areas in Visualizer.
  • If you try to export a report to Excel with 50,000 rows or more and a Break By applied, the report does not export correctly or with the selected data.

Custom Sets

  • Using a custom set as a column fails when the custom set is defined using a report containing Custom Groups.
  • Custom sets cannot be used as a cluster group in the Visualizer Advanced Analytics feature.
  • Custom sets cannot be used as filters on Designer Reports.
  • Using a custom set as a column fails when the custom set was defined using a report containing Saved Expressions in its filter.
  • Custom set filters are not honored when exporting dashboards or dashlets (with Deep linking), Bookmarks or report notifications.
  • Custom sets using Average measures, containing null or 'is missing' values, return unexpected results.
  • Cannot use the Benchmark “Advanced Analytics” function with reports using a custom set as a column.
  • Cannot save a custom set in a private folder in Birst (if report is in a private folder)
  • Custom sets stop functioning if the report defining it is moved to a new report catalog folder.
  • Cannot configure Report level drilling using custom sets.
  • Column selector does not support Custom sets.
  • Custom sets do not support drill across action on a dashboard.
  • Custom sets cannot be applied as filters to a web page on a dashboard.
  • Custom sets do not support conditional display.
  • Custom sets cannot be used for filter groups or linked filters.
  • Custom sets cannot be used as embedded filters on as dashboard.
  • Deleting the report used to define a custom set renders the custom set unusable.
  • If a dashboard prompt is created using a custom set and that custom set is later deleted, the dashboard prompt filter will display an error message each time it is rendered.
  • Custom Sets does not support visual filtering.
  • An issue exists that prevents users from using an existing report to create Custom Sets.
  • An issue exists where the Custom Set behavior for an applied filter is overriding the behavior of a bookmarked dashboard. For example, a Custom Set with its own filter applied is disabled using the dashboard edit mode and saved prior to creating a bookmark for the dashboard. When the user navigates away and back using the dashboard bookmark, the dashboard re-employs the filter that was applied to the Custom Set.

Global Filters

  • Export to PDF/Excel does not show filter details when using a global filter.
  • Normal filter will override the global filter on the same attribute when both are activated simultaneously in a Dashboard.
  • Cannot configure conditional display using Global Filters.
  • Global filters do not support drill across on dashboards.
  • Dashboards do not display warning message if a global filter has been deleted.
  • Global filters are not honored when exporting dashboards or dashlets (with Deep linking), Bookmarks or report notifications.
  • Cannot dynamically change selections of elements in Global filters on a Dashboard.
  • Multiple global filters using the same attribute can be used on a Dashboard, which could cause conflicted results.
  • Cannot share Deep Link of a Dashboard filtered with a Global filter.
  • Cannot copy or use network filter objects across spaces.
  • Global Filters do not support visual filtering.
  • Global Filters do not support parent/child filter groups or linked filters.
  • Global Filters on a dashboard do not currently allow for the exclusion our "Out" operator when using a Global Filter.
  • Global Filters do not work with Designer reports.
  • Global filters do not support drill down actions.

Known Issues for Designer

  • The designer exporting infrastructure has been upgraded to HTML5 and the Flash export has been deprecated. As a result:
    • Geomaps created in Designer do not export. If the geomap is embedded in a dashboard, the area will export as a blank space. Recreating a geomap will.
    • For 3D charts, exporting from Visualizer may have a different appearance. The chart will look the same as when a Visualizer 3D chart is embedded in Dashboards 2.0.
  • There is a known issue in Designer where a subject area fails to display if the name of any dimension or measure (defined in Admin Define Sources) contain double-quotes.
  • The PDF export page numbering feature is not available for Designer pivot reports. For crosstab/pivot reports, you can use the container report as a workaround to add and export page numbers. For example:
    1. Create and save a crosstab/pivot Designer report, "Report 1".
    2. Create a new container report "Report 2", and go to its Layout tab.
    3. Click Band Properties Options from the dropdown menu, and add a group footer.
    4. Add Report 1 to the group footer.
      Tip: Make sure that the dimensions of the reports properly aligned. You might have to go back to Report 1 to modify the dimensions so that it fits properly in the container report.
    5. Add a new label to the page footer of Report 2 and click Use as Page Numbers.
    6. Save Report 2.
    7. A PDF export of Report 2 will contain the page numbers in the format of "Page X" at the bottom of the page.
  • There is an issue with Designer where if a filter is deactivated from a report, the filter no longer displays and is not available to reactivate. If a user deactivates a filter and then saves the report, the filter is incorrectly lost from the report.

Known Issues for Mobile on iOS

  • When linking filters, it is possible to create a filter reference cycle that prevents all filter options from loading in the UI. Known Issue on iOS when linking two filters together it is possible to create a filter reference cycle which breaks filter functionality by preventing filter options from loading in the UI for all filters, not only the linked filters.

Known Issues for the Updated Number Data Type

  • The Number data type in Designer charts is rounding values.
  • If a Number column has a significantly large value (>10^9), using it with Float columns in an expression could result in a slight deviation from the correct value. To get consistently accurate results, it is recommended that you use only Number columns in expressions containing multiplication/division of large values.
  • Custom measures are not returning accurate values. It is recommended that you use display expressions instead.

Known Issues for Admin

  • Space Admins are not able to access the Security Filter subject area if the admin does not have permission to use Default Subject Area.
  • When changing the Email Subject from the Modify Properties page, the value does not return to the default value after making it blank.
  • For the command getusage, if users do not specify double quotes around a space name that contains a space character, the input and command are invalid. However, an invalid usage space will be created. When this happens, the user should delete the space and run the command again with double quotes.
  • For Measure Level Settings, if there are any changes made in the source (example: scripted source is opened and the user adds a column) and then saved and space published, all Aggregation settings will also be reset to the default settings.
  • For Measure Level Settings, if the same measure is coming from different Fact tables, aggregation type for all those measures in the different Fact tables needs to change to be the same aggregation type setting for it to be honored in Visualizer, Dashboard, and so on. Admins can ensure this by doing a search for the measure name and changing the aggregation setting of all the measures with the same name.
  • There is a rare known issue that prevents the workflow process from receiving the correct job status for swap space task from Acorn. The issue processes the task as complete and moves to the next step even thought the space has not finished the swap process. This causes the overall workflow to fail.
    • Additional logging has been added to identify the root cause and analyze this issue further so a fix can be added in a future release.
  • There is a known issue where some log in and log out events done from some modes, such as browsers or commandWebService, are not being pushed to the audit database, leading to automation test failures and impacting performance.

Known Issues for Modeler

  • The Custom Transform icon is disabled via Add Transformation option in Prepare. Access this option by clicking on Add Step and selecting the Custom Transform option.
  • Sources with names exceeding 260 characters don't preview.
  • The appearance of the CSV separator within quotes in source data may not match with what is shown in Connect module.
  • The appearance of the escaped character within quotes in source data may not match with what is shown in Connect module.
  • There is a known issue where your sources are not visible on the Relate page. This can happen when one or more measures from a connected Network is found in more than one Discovery Source from the parent space.
  • Unable to delete a Shared Connection if a space in which it was used has been deleted.
  • When searching for columns in Hierarchy Level Key from the Relate page, some columns may not display in the search. Try re-saving the column in order for it to appear in the search.
  • Deleted hierarchies are still visible as imported hierarchies on the Relate UI.
  • In Prepare, text columns display with double quotes in the preview.
  • There is a known issue where deleting Live Access sources from the Modeler Prep page can yield unexpected results. For best results, Birst recommends deleting Live Access sources from the Modeler Connect page.
  • After logging in to a newly copied space, you may see a message asking to convert the space to new infrastructure. Toggle away from the space by selecting another space and then come back to the copy of the space. The message will be gone.
  • Users that create hierarchies in the Classic Admin can create hierarchies that contain empty levels. In Relate, users need to provide level keys in order to save a hierarchy. As a result, users in Relate may run into an error when trying to delete an invalid level. The workaround is to go in Classic Admin and assign keys to the empty level.
  • The tooltip for Relate shows 'Undefined' for column with 'None' datatype.
  • When a local source and an imported source have the same name, the imported source will not be selectable from the Relate search.
  • Automatic and discovery spaces are not supported in Modeler.
  • The source icon on the Prepare page does not reflect if a source is not present.
  • The tooltip indicating Packages have been deleted from the Connect page is not displaying.
  • Users must validate dependent sources in the Prepare module.
  • When users update the entities referenced by a scripted source (ie variables, sources, measure/dim tables), previewing the source might not reflect the changes made in those entities. This is because the preview is cached when the scripted source is last created/modified/executed. To update, open the scripted source edit and click on the execute button to force the cache to be reloaded.
  • When using query session variable with a default field set in a scripted source, the preview of the source shows the source being executed with the variable's default "If Invalid" value rather than the query's result. This action can instead be run through the Flash UI.
  • When using session live access query variable or repository variable in scripted source, previewing the source shows the source being executed with the variable failed to be executed instead of the result.  
  • Renaming a source in Relate is not immediately reflected on the screen. A workaround is to refresh your browser or navigate away from Relate, then back.
  • There are loss of functionality issues when a user attempts to Model scripted source column properties (existing and new columns in a scripted source) that are not available in Admin 2.0. This known issue impacts Infor HR Talent Analytics users that choose to extend their Birst models.
    Note: There is no loss of functionality when accessed from the Classic Admin (Flash).
  • There is a known issue where users cannot link entities from spaces that are in different databases, such as when a user attempts to join objects that reside in different databases from each other.
  • When a user removes a Quote character and then the value updates for Column separator from external web service (setDataCharacterstics), field values are not being updated in the user interface.
  • Data Characteristics are overridden after an excel file extraction using an SFTP connection and any source of SAP BAPI.
  • When more than one column is selected in Edit Column Properties, the Hierarchy selection is enabled by default even though the selected column types do not match.
  • The legend items in Relate are unaligned and not displayed correctly.
  • Connection lines and source nodes do not change their style when a user rests their cursor over them in the Data Lineage view in Relate.
  • A complex join may not be modifiable if one or more of the sources involved in the join have been renamed. A workaround is to navigate away from Relate and back.
  • XMLA sources cannot be re-imported.

Known Issues for Report Catalog

  • When using the Sync button in Report Catalog, the page may freeze and become unresponsive. Close this page. From the Command Window in the Classic Admin, run the reindexfiles command. This command may take up to five minutes to complete.
    The command is:
    reindexfiles [spaceid]
  • Permissions can either be set at the Account Group level or the Space Group level.
  • Search only applies to items in the parent folder, it does not apply to items in any subfolder.
  • When a non-admin user access Visualizer and tries to access the contents of their private folder, the view from /private may not display any entries. Try navigating to the folder through Search.
  • Designer notifications may fail for specific locales. The log error will read: ERROR - Exception in exporting report : ETL Report java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
  • Windows has a 260 character limit for file paths, so there is a known limitation that prevents users from uploading a report catalog when the file name is longer than 260 characters. Truncate file paths that are more than 260 characters.

Known Issues for Networking

  • Simple joins created between local source and imported sources will re-appear if reconnected to the Network/Package. To permanently remove the join, delete the join before disconnecting the Package/Network.
  • Imported scripted source created from dimension/fact tables can't be previewed.
  • Default date type is not automatically selected for networked measures.
  • Entities imported using Networks will not be available on the Flash UI.
  • Collision warnings are not working when importing LA source with same name as local prepared source.
  • When working on parent and child spaces in multiple browser tabs, users may encounter the 'Failed to get subject area for this network' error when selecting a network. This is due to issues with SMIWeb login and session management when using multiple tabs with multiple spaces. To resolve the issue, reload the page and select the network.
  • Imported Facts are not joinable to Local dimensions.
  •  Attributes and Measures that are removed or renamed in the parent space will not be automatically removed or renamed from the networks in the space. Users must manually remove them from the network.
  • When a user attempts to preview a scripted source in Prep after importing a scripted source from a parent space into an empty child space, columns with no data may display. To fix it, please re-import the network or package.
  • Collisions occur when two measures with same column names are visible when networks with different measures are imported.
  • After importing a network, the Flash UI doesn't show Visualizer and Dashboard.
  • Certain dependencies in scripted sources (e.g., variables, dimension levels, and Measures) must be added manually when creating a network.
  • Birst may fail to delete objects from a network. In this case, Birst will display an error message on the upper right of the screen. If this error is encountered, users should reload the network (which will display these objects again) and try deleting again.
  • When Networks are dependent on space containing sources that are in turn dependent on imported sources from result in an error.
  • In Networks, dragging an Analyze By Date folder within a measure from a Custom Subject Area into the network can cause the application to become unresponsive. The workaround is:
    • Instead of dragging By OrderDate from OrderID measure, drag the measure OrderID itself to the center panel. Then, the user can delete the date type folders that are not required.

Known Issues for Shared Connections

  • When creating a shared connection, two connections with the same name display instead of one. The second connection will disappear on refreshing the screen. There is no issue with edit connection. The user can edit any connection immediately after creating one.

Known Issues for Variables

  • If a child space has imported a package from a parent space that no longer exists, the new Admin 2.0 Variable manager will not be able to retrieve the list of variables. This package is invalid and must be deleted.
  • If the Requires Publish flag is set to true, a variable will only be saved in repository dev and not saved in the repository prod. The added variable will not be usable until the space is published. This will cause the SetVariable task to fail in Orchestration workflow.

Known Issues for Audit Trail

  • Automatic spaces with attributes marked for Audit are not getting captured in the audit log when the attribute is deleted and the source re-processed.
  • Spaces with attributes that are also marked as measures are not being captures by the audit log after data is deleted and reprocessed.
  • Queries employing Pushdown STATs are being logged to the audit trail even when none of the attributes in the query are marked for audit.
  • Query from child space using a parent space attribute is still logged in Audit Trail even after the Parent attribute is no longer marked as Auditable in parent space.
  • Audit query log is failing for attributes marked as auditable when used as dashboards prompt query filters.

Known Issues for SSO

  • If an SSO session variable is of the "Constant" type, then the SSO session variable will be overridden with its default value after the space, or any parent space, is processed. The workaround is to change the session variable type from Constant to Query. For example, if the Constant is "1111", set the session variable Query to "select 1111 from All", to set the default value to "1111" after processing.
  • Birst does not support custom relay state. Users should not set the relay state in IDP. For IDP initiated SAML SSO, you should set the "Default Relay State" parameter to blank. This should return an empty RelayState in the SAML response to Birst. Otherwise, the SAML SSO will likely fail.

Known Issues for Scheduler

  • A known issue was discovered for schedules containing extract groups whose names contained non-ISO Latin-1 characters. Objects that were part of theses offending extract groups were excluding from the scheduler run. Note: The non-ISO Latin-1 character named extract groups did run as a separate ad-hoc "run now" schedule. The work around for this issue is to rename the extract group without non-ISO Latin-1characters.

Known Issues for Localization

  • There are instances where the currency formatting within charts is not updated to reflect European Decimal Notation, even when one of the language options containing the European Decimal Notation (e.g., English-EU, Deutsch (<locale>), Português (Brazil)) is selected.
  • The “Visualizer” label on the Homepage is not translated for Arabic.
  • Users are not able to rename an inherited Source from the Source panel. They can rename it from the Source list.

Known Issues for the Usage Tracking Space

  • Exports in .csv and .xls formats from Designer are tracked in the Usage Tracking Space.

Known Issues for Birst Connect

  • Occasionally, a modified flat source file cannot be re-uploaded without changing the name of the file. If users attempt to load a single-column source file, Birst will not load it because Birst requires at least two columns in a source file. If users add another column to the same source file and attempt to reload it, Birst will not load it. The workaround is to rename the source file.
  • For proxy authentication, Birst Connect does not support the Kerberos mechanism for the Negotiate authentication scheme.
  • Uploads may fail with “handshake failure” or "unknown proxy type" errors. If this occurs, update to the latest version of Java on the machine where Birst Connect runs, and make sure you are running an up-to-date version of Birst Connect. See also Dr. Rick’s blog post about handshakes.
  • Extract group names should not include a percent sign (%), otherwise the extraction may fail.
  • Birst Connect 2 requires Java 8 or above. Birst Connect 1 (e.g. Classic Birst Connect) requires Java 8 and is not currently compatible with Java 9 or Java 10.
  • Birst Connect Task names containing keywords such as 'process' in the name, will process fine via the Birst Connect UI but if the same task is run via the command line, the task will upload and process the data even though the desired outcome is upload only. The work around is to rename the Birst Connect Task so that it does not contain "process" in the name.

Known Issues for Birst Connect 2.0

  • The Map OLAP Data "Cancel" link is currently not supported.
  • A known issue was discovered for Birst Connect 2 Shared Connections that prevents SalesForce extraction from updating the SFDCExtractStartTime and SFDCExtractCompletionTime variables.
  • Infor Data Lake connections are not supported by Live Access.
  • Preview fails if table has SQL Variant type column
  • Preview data returns datatype as Varchar if column type is database specific data type. If Birst Connect 2.0 does not find a matching data type, it will return VARCHAR as data type.
  • When attempting to run the Birst Cloud Agent, MAC users may get a security pop up saying, “Agent is a Unix application downloaded from the Internet". If this occurs, click Open on this dialog box, or go to your Mac System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General Tab to open the application from there. Alternatively, you can run the Agent by opening a Terminal window, navigating to the /bin directory in the folder in which you unzipped the Agent files, and run the command: “./Agent” without the quotes. Note: Birst Connect requires the installation of Java JDK 8 on the machine where the Agent is running.
  • When a user attempts to run BirstCloudAgent with a version of 7.7.2 or later on a Linux environment, the BirstCloudAgent can fail. See Birst Cloud Agent for more information.
  • The Birst Connect 2.0 agent is not certified on Java JDK 9 or Java JDK 10.
  • User encounter error Retrofit Error 400 and are unable to generate a token for shared rest connection if a space is not selected first. Make sure to first select a space before generating the token.
  • Zip files created on Macs and with a single file exceeding 4294967295 bytes are failing to download.
  • Issues exist that prevent the user from importing live access sources when using a BirstConnect1 (BC1) from a MySQL Database connection. A workaround is for users to use BC2 for MySQL LA from Connect and Relate UI.

Known Issues for Live Access

  • If you rename a column that is the primary key in a Live Access space, joins no longer work. In addition, new joins, even though they are visible in Data Flow, do not work. A workaround is to delete the join first, then rename the column and join again.
  • When connecting to InfoBright, using variables in the connection string is not supported.
  • Set based filters are not supported for XMLA connections.
  •  Live access databases which do not support one of the 4 supported database types, SQL Server, SAP Hana, Redshift, Oracle, have the following known issues regarding filters:
    • When searching through the filters, selection of a value(s) deselects when a second search selection made. For example, if you were to select values for a filter and search again and select an additional value, it will deselect the previously selected searched value. This applies to ALL filters, not just parent/child filters.
    • The child filter is not being constrained by the parent filter. For example, if you have a parent filter “year” and a child filter “date” and select year to be 2019, the date filter should only show the 2019 dates. However, the date filter in this case will show all dates, not being constrained by the year filter. This especially is an issue since user only sees top 250 filters in the display.
  • When making changes to the Live Access compound table's join configuration in Relate, a problem could occur when previewing the source in Connect.

Known Issues for Application Connectors

  • See also the Deprecation notices in the Upgrade Notes section.
  • Using a Birst variable with value containing a pipe character ( | ) for a cloud connector extraction may not work. The Infor Team recommends that you do not use a pipe character in a variable that will be used for cloud extraction.
  • The Infor Team recommends that you set the data characteristics property for raw sources to only recognize double quotes at the start and end of the fields to avoid issues during scanning. This is only required when the data may contain quotes in the values.

Amazon S3 Connector

  • The plus (+) and asterisk (*) symbols will not work in prefixes or delimiters for Amazon S3 Connector objects.
  • Birst automatically skips the first line (header) of file 2 and onwards in the Append File Option.
  • Migration fails if user has edited prefix and doesn't click on Get Files.
  • Amazon S3 returns a maximum of 1000 records only in a single request even though more than 1000 records may exist. The application uses single requests only.

Marketo SOAP API Connector

  • A Marketo column label containing a character such as a comma (,) or equal sign (=) may cause the extract object validation to fail. The recommended approach is to change the label by replacing these characters before saving.

REST Connector

  • The naming convention for some API columns may result in duplicate names. The connector validation will catch this and require the column name to be unique when designing the object.
  • Some APIs do not have a refresh token mechanism. This means that a new token is needed periodically for the data extract to be successful. The recommended approach is to learn about the refresh token mechanism supported by the API and the expiration of the token, and plan accordingly.
  • The FullyBakedURL Parameters pagination option uses a common pattern for fully-baked URLs to identify and append the Next page cursor field selection list. It is possible to have a scenario where an item is populated in the Next page cursor field, even though that item is not a fully-baked URL. The recommended approach is to look for keywords such as "next" or "next page" and to read the documentation on how to use the cursor pagination for that API.
  • Token generating requires you to provide credentials needed to generate the token. If the credentials provided are incorrect, the API in use is expected to highlight the incorrect parameter during the Grant process. There are cases with some APIs, such as LinkedIn, that do not provide information that indicates incorrect credentials. Users should double-check the validity of the credentials.

Known Issues for Query Processing Engine

  • There is a known issue that occurs when creating a variable. The "Connection Type" drop down box should only be active if you are using a Live Access connection for your space. In the 5.30 release the connection type drop down will include all Live Access shared connections (shared across all spaces in the account). Use the "Default Option" selector value unless you are using a Live Access connection. If you are using a Live Access connection, select the desired Live Access choice from the Connection Type dropdown list. Note: The drop down will only list Live Access connections used in the current space in a later release.
  • There is a table import issue that occurs when a compound source and physical table share the same name. For example, if users assign a table name for a compound source that combines Products and Category dimensions and the user names this compound table Products, then both the staging table logical name and physical name are Products. If a user wants to import only the measures from this same Products source table, Birst will detect a conflict since the compound table name is also called Products. Even if the user renames the Products compound table, only the logical name is updated with the new name, while the physical table name remains Products which does not resolve the conflict preventing the import of the Products facts. The work around for this issue is to delete the compound table, import the tables again as a compound table but with a name that does not conflict with the fact table source name. For a new source, users should provide compound tables with unique names that can be distinguished from other imported source tables.
  • Processing fails with the error message "Stream closed Stream closed." As a workaround, uncheck the Do Not Detect Source Data Changes on Upload property for the sources.

  • There is a known issue that causes the Aggregate Processing to fail due to an incorrect alias generation being the only thing processed.

Known Issues for Appliance

  • A database connection containing a semi-colon (;) in the username or password field is currently not supported.
  • ReCaptcha is not working with proxy.
  • Appliance users may experience the following error when attempting to start the appliance avatar.
    SQL State : S00010
    Error Code : 195
    Message : 'TRY_CONVERT' is not a recognized built-in function name.
    Location : com/birst/flipper/db/migrations/sqlServer/V61_2_changeTagValueDataTypeToUUID.sql (D:\BIRST_HOME\BIRST\Scheduler\tomcat\file:\D:\BIRST_HOME\BIRST\Scheduler\tomcat\webapps\avatar\WEB-INF\lib\flipper-core-7.2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar!\com\birst\flipper\db\migrations\sqlServer\V61_2_changeTagValueDataTypeToUUID.sql)
    • This issue can be resolved by running the following queries:





Known Issues for Exasol

  • Attributes that map to Exasol reserved keywords (e.g. Time.Month, Time.Year) cannot be used as sort only attributes in Designer. They will need to be added to a Designer report as Visualized or Unvisualized columns. A workaround has been identified and provided to customers. The solution was to change the Date without the Year attribute from:
    "format ([Time.Date], 'MM/dd')" to "[Time.Month of Year] + '/' + [Time.Day of Month]"
    The format expression was forcing a sort on the database, against the date alias, throwing the error because the Date without Year attribute is sorted in the report/chart.

Known Issues for Scripts

  • Users should avoid scripts that delete the data from a Grain or Fact where the same Fact is present in the Select Statement. Scripts that have a delete statement on a Target table that is also mentioned in the Select Statement is getting timed out.
    In this example, both Select and the script output have Issue Fact:

    The workaround is to create an intermediate script that has the records from the select statement and script in this example. Then the intermediate script should be used in the select statement of the script where the delete is being performed.

Known Issues for Syntax

  • There is a known issue where using illegal characters, such as double quotes (" "), in the user interface when copying a space results in error. For example, in the Options field. Double quotes can be used still in the command line prompt but cannot be used in the user interface.

Known Issues for IDM

  • The Birst IDM widget does not load properly the first time it is displayed. The workaround is to perform a hard refresh or change tabs to finish loading the Birst IDM widget.