Modeler Enterprise

Birst Connected Data Prep, also called Modeler, empowers business people to smartly access and network data on their own.
Note: The Pronto module has been renamed to Modeler.

Enterprise users using Advanced Data Modeling (ADR) spaces can model in HTML5 by using Modeler Enterprise in the Admin - Define Sources tab. This tab will launch Modeler Connect, Modeler Prepare, and Modeler Relate. Once launched, you will be able adjust your ADR data model and/or connect to data via import or a Live Access instance.

To access Modeler, you must first convert your ADR space to be on the new metadata infrastructure. For more details, see the help page Convert an ADR space to the new metadata infrastructure.

Modeler Connect

Modeler Connect will allow you to set up and connect your data sources through Import or Live Access. 

Modeler Prepare

Users are able to manage their raw and scripted data sources. For more information on managing scripted sources, see Manage Scripted Sources in Modeler.

Modeler Relate

Users are be able to edit elements of an ADR space from Modeler - Relate including:

  • Visibility to all source types; Live access, ADR raw sources, and scripted sources
  • See ADR environment with Data Flow view with modeling capabilities
  • Edit column properties
  • Edit source properties; Live Access
  • Join data

Modeling ADR sources in Modeler Relate

Users can modify existing ADR spaces and rebuild the data model directly from Modeler - Relate. ADR raw sources and ADR scripted sources are now displayed in the Modeler - Relate “Sources” screen.

Updating column properties

Modify the properties of either your ADR and or Live Access columns from the Relate view. See Defining Column Properties in Modeler.

Processing the Space

Whenever you make changes to your data model in the Modeler Relate view, such as assigning a grain to data sources and or changing column properties, you will need to publish your space for Birst to update the data model accordingly. Birst will automatically detect the new changes and signal when a new publication is needed. When you are finished editing your data model, click on the “Warning” sign and publish the space.

Modeling Live Access Sources in Modeler Relate

Modeler Relate will allow you to join your Live Access sources together if needed, as well as let you customize column properties for these sources (rename, change data type, etc.)

Updating Source Properties

Edit properties of the Live Access sources you connected to using Modeler Enterprise in the Relate view. Modify the following:

  • Assign a Cardinality to your source. This will allow better control as to which source is selected by Birst when issuing queries. See, Navigation and Cardinality for more information.
  • Model your source: Namely, assign a different hierarchy to your source to better control the organization of the Live Access data sources in your subject area.
  • Rename your source

To access source properties:

  1. Navigate to the Modeler - Relate screen.
  2. Select the source you would like to modify and click on More on the top toolbar

Creating Complex Joins

If you have columns that relate to each other from different tables you can configure simple or complex joins on those tables to join them together for a singular view. For more details on this topic, see Relate Data.

Creating Live Access Compound Tables

Live Access Compound tables allows the capability to take multiple tables and merge them in a join transformation sense. For more details on how to access and use the feature, see Create Live Access Compound Tables with Modeler.

Updating Schema

Birst provides the ability for Enterprise users to change the schema of a Live Access source. Schema names are changed on a per object basis, but similarly to caching options, can be mass updated for all objects in each connection by using the menu in a connection.

The schema name can be changed for tables, or compound tables. For query-based objects, please update the query itself if the schema name needs to be changed.

The schema name can either be a string to denote a static schema name, or a variable, enter in the format V{variable_name}.