Data Processing

Data processing refers to the automatic processing by Birst of your uploaded data. Birst automatically transforms your data and moves it into a database that is designed for dimensional analysis. Successfully processing your data makes it available for analysis and use in reports and dashboards.

Birst can upload and process new snapshots of the same data sources as time goes by. Every processing run is associated with a load date. Based on the load date, you are able to analyze your data historically and identify growth trends. See Setting Transaction and Snapshot Policies for a Data Source.

If the Process Automatically check box on the Upload Files page is checked when you upload a data file, Birst will automatically process your uploaded data and take you to the original Dashboards page to explore auto-generated reports. This option is available only when you create a new space of type Automatic and are uploading data for the first time. You should not use the Process Automatically option if you have more than one file to upload or if you would like to review the way Birst has uploaded your data.