Managing Existing Classic Designer Reports

In the Open Designer Report dialog, the Private folder contains reports that only you can access. The Shared folder contains reports that are shared with all users of the space.

If you are in a group with the Edit Report Catalog permission, you can rename a file or folder, delete a file or folder, or create a new folder in your Private folder from this dialog box. SeeCreating Groups and Adding Users to Groups.

You can also make modifications to files and folders within the Shared folder if your group has write access to the folder. Space Administrators can make modifications from this dialog box to any user's Private folder or the Shared folder. See Modifying Folder Permissions in the Report Catalog.

To open an existing Classic Designer report

1. Click Report - Open. The Open Report dialog displays.
2. Select the report.
3. Click Open.

To rename or delete a report, or add a new folder

4. Click Report - Open. The Open Report dialog displays.
5. Right-click on a file or folder in the right side of the window and select the desired action. You can also use the Delete key to delete the highlighted file or folder or click a file or folder twice to rename it.  


See Also
Creating a New Report