Lining Up Layout Elements in Classic Designer

When laying out a report in the Layout tab in Classic Designer, you can line up multiple elements within a band to neaten the layout.

You cannot use the Line Up feature across different bands.

To line up layout elements in a Designer report

1. In the Layout tab of Classic Designer, select the elements to line up by Ctrl-clicking each element or dragging a box around the elements.
2. Click the Options menu, then click Line Up to line up the elements either horizontally or vertically.

Select Horizontally to make the elements line up side-by-side horizontally with no gaps or spaces in between.

 Select Vertically to make the elements line up vertically with no gaps or spaces in between.

3. Click the Results tab to see the changes to the report.
4. Click Report - Save.

See Also
Aligning Layout Elements
Moving Elements in the Layout Tab