Using the SAP Query Connector

Birst Connect supports an SAP Query Connector. The SAP Query Connector provides access to ABAP programs created in SAP. Once connected, data from SAP can be extracted using the logic provided in the ABAP programs. For an overview of the different methods you can use to extract SAP data see SAP Connectors.

Implementation and Usage Notes

SAP imposes a 10 minute limit on queries.


The Birst Connect and Birst SAP Query Connector products must be installed. See Checking Which Products Are Installed.

Before beginning these steps, you need to configure Birst Connect to run from the command line and download the SAP library files.

To create an extraction task using SAP query

1. Launch Birst Connect from the command line (run cmdUI.bat from the \commandline folder). The Birst Connect Java application opens.

2. Click Add Task to create a new task. Give the task a name in the Properties tab.
3. From the Sources tab, click the Add SAP Query button to define data extracts from SAP. The SAP Query dialog box opens.
4. Enter your SAP connection information as in the example below then click Get Queries to retrieve a list of available SAP queries.

Tip: Providing a Workspace is optional. SAP queries are contained within a workspace. If an SAP query belongs to the global workspace, you do not need to specify a workspace. Otherwise, you need to specify the workspace to see SAP queries contained within a particular workspace.

5. Select the queries that you would like to execute in order to extract data for upload. Depending on your selection, a dialog box may open for entering required and optional method parameters. Required parameters are marked with an asterisk.
6. After you have made your selections, click OK. The queries you selected will be listed as shown below.

7. If you would like to schedule extractions in Birst Connect, click the Schedule tab and fill it out, then click OK. See Scheduling Birst Connect Tasks Using an External Scheduler.
8. Select File - Save Settings in the main Birst Connect window.
9. To extract the queries you selected immediately, select the task you created and click Run Tasks Now.

See Also
Using the SAP DSO Connector
Using the SAP XML/A Connector
SAP Connectors
Running Birst Connect from the Command Line