Installing the Birst Transports for SAP

This topic covers how to install the Birst transports into SAP. See Using the SAP Open SQL Connector and Using the SAP Query Connector.

Tip: When you have the choice, the Infor Team recommends using the SAP Open SQL Connector.


  • SAP ECC version 6.0 or newer
  • SAP ECC EHP5 BASIS Release 7.02 or newer

Transport Files

The transport files are provided in the Birst Connect distribution,, in the sapTransports folder.

File Name
Contents Connector
C67K900035 Security role Open SQL

Technical objects

Open SQL
Technical objects Query

Important: If you have implemented the Birst objects manually and used the same names for the Birst objects, you must release any open transports for this objects. The import should have a green light when finished. If you are implementing this for the first time you should expect a green light for each transport.

Transport File Dependencies for Open SQL

The dependencies for importing the transports for Open SQL are as follows:

  • Transports C67K900037 and C67K900041 must be imported in sequence. C67K900041 is an update to C67K900037. If you already have C67K900037 then import C67K900041.
  • C67K900035 is for security-related object and has no dependencies on other transports.

Follow the steps below to upload the files supplied by Infor into the application server directories.

To load the header files into SAP

  1. Get the application server directory name:
    1. Go to Transaction code AL11
    2. Double-click on the directory DIR_TRANS. For example, D:\usr\sap\C67\trans.
    3. Locate the "cofiles" and "data" file names in the column "Filename".
    4. Double-click on the cofiles row to show the directory. For example: D:\usr\sap\C67\trans\cofiles.
    5. Save the path of the directory. It is the location where the cofiles will be loaded in the following steps.
  2. Upload the header files
    1. Go to Transaction code CG3Z.
    2. In the Source field:
    • For the Open SQL Connector select the security role file, K900035.C67.
    • For the Query Connector, select the K900039.C67 file.
    1. In the Target field, copy the directory path from the previous step.
    2. In the Transfer format for data field, select BIN.
    3. Enable the Overwrite file option.
    4. Click Upload.
    5. When the upload finishes, you can see the TR files in AL11 in the specified directory.

To load the data item files into SAP

  1. Get the application server directory name:
    1. Go to Transaction code AL11.
    2. Double-click on the directory DIR_TRANS. For example, D:\usr\sap\C67\trans.
    3. Locate the "data" file name in the column "Filename".
    4. Double-click on the data row to show the directory.

      For example: D:\usr\sap\C67\trans\data.
    5. Save the path of the directory for use in the next steps.
  2. Upload the header files
    1. Go to Transaction code CG3Z.
    2. In the Source field:
    • For the Open SQL Connector select the security role file, K900035.C67.
    • For the Query Connector, select the K900039.C67 file. Repeat for the C67K900045 file.
    1. In the Target field, copy the directory path from the previous steps.
    2. In the Transfer format for data field, select BIN.
    3. Enable the Overwrite file option.
    4. Click Upload.
    5. When the upload finishes, you can see the TR files in AL11 in the specified directory.
    6. Repeat for the C67K900045 file.
  3. For the Open SQL Connector, repeat steps 1 and 2 using the C67K900037 and C67K900041 files.

To import the transports to the SAP system/client

  1. Go to Transaction code STMS.
  2. Click Import Overview.
  3. Select the system.
  4. Go to the SAP menu Extras.
  5. Click Other requests - Add.

  6. Select the transport using F4 Help:
  • C67K900035 for the Open SQL Connector
  • K900039.C67 for the Query Connector
  1. Click Yes.
  2. Place the cursor on the transport name and click import request. (The names in the screenshot may be different.)
  3. Select the target client as your current development client where you wanted the Birst objects to present.
  4. In the Options tab, select everything and enter.
  5. In the following screen click Yes.
  6. The final screen looks like the following, in this case for the Open SQL Connector:

  7. Select the green check mark. The following screen opens and shows all the created objects, in this case for the Open SQL Connector.

To install the Birst role and create the SAP user

Follow these instructions to install the Birst Role Z_BIRST_OPENSQL, which is used to secure your Birst user. It allows access to the Birst RFC by using only the function modules needed to execute the Birst Open SQL Connector. Additionally, this role illustrates how to limit access to SAP tables by using the S_TABU_DIS authorization.

The transport C67K900035 must be imported prior to the next steps.

After the transports installation, follow the next steps to create the SAP user.

  1. Go to Transaction code SU01.
  2. Click create (F8).
  3. Enter the mandatory fields like Last name.
  4. In the Logon Data tab, assign the user type as Service type and enter the password.
  5. On the Roles tab, enter the Role ZBIRST_OPENSQL.
  6. Click Save.

To set up the authorization details for executing RFC from Birst

  1. Go to Transaction code SU01.
  2. Enter the user id who is going to execute RFM from the Birst console.
  3. Click on the profiles tab.
  4. Check the assigned profile/role has authorization objects S_RFC and S_TABU_DIS for displaying query result with the below values.
  5. If you are using SAP query connector, assign the respective user into user group in SQ03.
  6. Right now for the query access it has full display authorization, customize it according to the table authorization group.

The Table Authorization Group field is where you specify the range of table authorization groups that you want to have access to. Each group is tied to one or more SAP tables. Use transaction SE54 to view them to determine your range. The above example was used to not allow the authorization group SPWD access which is tied to the tables USR02 and USH02.

This is the list of functions required to run the Birst Open SQL Connector. Here you specify only these function modules to restrict access to any others.

To test the installation

  1. From the Function Builder initial screen SE37, choose Test (F8). The Test Function Module screen appears and displays all of the import and table parameters of the function module.
  2. Enter the following values into the respective fields for testing:
    1. Click the FIELDS Table and enter the value MARA~MATNR.
    2. Click the FROMCLAUSE table enter the value MARA.
  3. Click Execute (F8).
    The result will display as below based on the data base table MARA in the respective client.
  4. Check the table LDATA for the result. It will display the Material details from the MARA table.

Next Steps

1. Install Birst Connect on a local machine and copy the SAP JAVA Connector drivers (SAP JCo version 3.0.12) to the BirstConnect\dist\lib folder. See Running Birst Connect from the Command Line.