Adding Time Series to a Live Access Source

You can do time series analysis in Live Access spaces by adding the Birst standard time series data to the source. You add a time series to a Live Access data source by loading time tables into the source and adding the dimensions in Birst.

Important: This is applicable for table sources and Query sources (opaque views). Compound tables are not supported. In addition, only the standard Birst time dimensions are supported.

Note: With the 5.30.2, you can now import time dimensions using the Manage Local Sources screen for Live Access connections that were created with Birst Connect 2.0.

To set up the time tables

Contact Infor to obtain the time tables. Load them into your Live Access source database, then follow these instructions.

Important: The time tables should be loaded in the dbo schema and should be in the same database instance as the Live Access tables. In addition, time tables loaded once can be shared across all Birst spaces that map to tables in the same database instance.

To add the time dimensions

1. Go to Admin - Define Sources - Manage Local Sources.
2. Click Dimensions.
3. Click Add - Time Dimensions.

The Add Time Dimension dialog opens showing a list of Live Access connections.

4. Select the Live Access connection.
5. Click Create.

Tip: Birst creates the mappings to the time tables and adds the time dimensions. The naming convention is: <DimensionName> <LiveAccessConnectionName>.

To see and apply the new Time dimensions in Manage Local Sources

6. In Admin - Define Sources - Manage Local Sources, click All Definitions to see the automatically generated dimensions and measures, including Time.

7. Select the Dimensions in the left pane to see the newly mapped Live Access Time dimension.

8. Select relevant measures and click Analyze By Date for the measures needing time series analysis.

9. Click File - Save Settings.

Birst automatically generates the inherited measures and joins that enable time series analysis.

Note: These are not visible in the measures and joins section of the Managed Local Sources tab.

To see and apply the new Time dimensions in Data Flow - Manage Sources

Tip: When you perform these steps in Data Flow - Manage Sources, Birst automatically creates all of the aggregates.

10. Right-click on a source and select Manage Sources to open its Modify Data Source window.

11. Click Analyze By Date.
12. If it is not already marked as a measure, click Measure.
13. Click Save.

Birst automatically generates the inherited measures and joins that enable time series analysis.

Next Steps

Use the new time aggregations and time series measures in the Subject Area of Designer or Visualizer.

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Time aggregations and time series measures can be used for all the derived measures, such as Freight > By Shipped Date > Sum and Time/Year.

If a base measure, such as Freight > Sum, needs to be analyzed by time then an explicit join needs be made between the measure and the time dimension. To do this, go to Manage Local Sources - Add Join. For example:

"Orders".ShippedDate="Time Day LiveAccess".Date$