Connecting Birst to an R Server

Once the R Server is set up and started, Birst can connect to it to via a standard TCP port. The default port for R Server is generally 6311.

You provide connection information for R Server in the Birst space properties.  

To connect Birst to an R Server

1. On the Home page, select or create the space you want to use for the R data.
2. Go to Admin - Manage Space - Modify Properties.
3. In the R Server Info section, provide the R Server URL, port number, username, and password.

4. Click Save.
5. Click Test to test the connection to R. The following message should appear:

Next Steps

Importing Data into Birst from R

Moving Data from Birst to R

Calling R Inline in a Report or ETL Script

Setting Up Sessions with R Initializers