Extracting Application Connector Data Using Birst Connect Commands

Use the Birst Connect command line to extract data from a Birst Application Connector. See Running Birst Connect from the Command Line for the basic functionality.

Use the -extractCloudConnectorData argument to the DataConductorCommandLine to specify the connection and extraction groups.

Important: The older connector (versus connection) functionality, the -extractConnectorData argument, is no longer supported. See Upgrading Spaces to Support Multiple Instances of Connectors.

Java Command Line Syntax for Connections

"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -cp "%BirstConnect_Home%\dist\*;%BirstConnect_Home%\dist\lib\*" -Djnlp.file="%BirstConnect_Home%\space_id.jnlp" -Xmx1024m com.birst.dataconductor.DataConductorCommandLine -extractCloudConnectorData "connectionName=Name" "extractionGroups=ExtractGroup1,ExtractGroup2,..."


  • JAVA_HOME is an environment variable set to the path of the JDK or JRE on your machine.
  • BirstConnect_Home is an environment variable set to the path of the folder where the content of BirstConnect.zip was extracted.
  • space_id.jnlp is the JNLP file you saved to the HOME directory. This parameter enables Birst Connect to read the properties from the JNLP file and launch Birst Connect using this JNLP file. See Running Birst Connect from the Command Line.
  • connectionName is the name of the connection as shown in the Application Connector UI.
  • extractionGroups is a comma-separated list of extraction group names.