ExactTarget Connector

The ExactTarget Connector extracts data from the ExactTarget digital marketing platform, now called the Salesforce Marketing Cloud. The connector can retrieve:

  • Bounce Event
  • Campaigns
  • Campaign assets
  • Click Event
  • Content Area
  • Data Extensions
  • Email
  • Folder
  • List
  • List Subscriber
  • Open Event
  • Send
  • Subscriber
  • Triggered Send
  • Unsubscribe Event

Implementation and Usage Notes

The connector uses both REST and SOAP APIs to access the data in ExactTarget. Functionality is dependent upon the API.

  • REST-based Objects: Campaign and campaign assets
    • No metadata for columns
    • Cannot do incremental extractions
  • SOAP-based Objects: Interactions and messages
    • No pagination
    • No metadata for columns

Note: Filters are not supported by the ExactTarget REST API for Campaign and Campaign Assets. For these objects, selection criteria and incremental extract are not supported.

For general usage notes see Connect to Cloud Applications Using Application Connectors.

Next Steps

See Extracting Data from ExactTarget.