Creating Extract Groups

Extract groups allow you to group objects extracted from an enterprise application using a Birst Application Connector so that specific objects can be extracted and processed separately from others. This means all the objects specified for extraction from an Application Connector do not have to be extracted every time.

For example, when adding a new object, you could extract the data for just this object without having to extract data for all objects. Extract groups also give you the flexibility to update objects at different frequencies. For example, one set of objects could be updated hourly and another updated monthly. 

Both manual extracts and scheduled extracts can be performed using extract groups. Within an extract group, objects are extracted in the order in which the objects were added. Extract groups are processed alphabetically. If an object is contained in more than one extract group that is being run, the object will only be extracted once. Extract groups are created on the Application Connectors page when you are configuring a data extraction from a supported application. Once created, extract groups can be used when scheduling extractions.

To create extract groups

  1. Go to Admin - Define Sources - Application Connectors (or click the Use Extractors link from the Admin Navigation page).

  2. Select the connector to use from the Application Connector list and enter your login information. See the topics for the specific Application Connectors for instructions.

  3. After selecting the objects to upload, select the Show Selected Objects view.

  4. In the Extract Group Name(s) field, type the name of one or more extract groups, separating each name with a comma. An extract group name you type here will be created if it does not already exist. For example, you could enter "Intra-day, Nightly" for an object to both create these extract groups and to add the object to them. Any time one of these extract groups is scheduled for extraction, this object will be extracted (and processed if this option is selected).

    Extract groups are optional. You can leave the field blank if you do not want to use them.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Extract to upload the selected objects to Birst. You will be prompted to select the extract group or groups to use.

    Selecting All in the Extract Group dialog box will extract all selected objects, even those that do not belong to extract groups.

To schedule extractions, use the Schedule Data Processing page under the Process Data tab. You can specify which extract groups to use when scheduling extractions.

See Also
Processing Data
Scheduling Extraction and Data Processing for Cloud Applications