Birst Connect and Birst Command Files

Important: The Birst Team recommends using Web Services for command tasks. You have more programmatic control when using Web Services, especially for long-running tasks. See Web Services.

Birst Connect can run Birst Command tasks, such as adding users to spaces or groups, resetting passwords, and merging space contents, in bulk using uploaded command files.

See Birst Commands for a list of commands.

To run bulk tasks

1. Create a command file, a text file with the extension ".command". Birst will interpret each line in a command file as a separate command and execute it.
2. Initiate processing of the command file by adding it to a task in Birst Connect and executing that task.

A log of commands and their results is emailed to the user who initiated the command. Additionally, these results are echoed to the Java console.

See Also: