Adding Tables in Birst Connect

When you select Add Tables in Birst Connect Sources tab, the Add Tables dialog opens.

  1. Select the Database Type.

    Tip: If a database type is not available, meaning that its .jar file is not located in the birstConnect/dist/lib folder, the menu shows a warning icon.
  2. Enter the database name and a user name and password.
  3. Optionally Enable SSH and configure the SSH Tunnel.
  4. Optionally enter a port number. To use the default port number of the database, leave this blank.
  5. Optionally enter a fetch size.
  6. Optionally enter filter text to match on schema objects and return only those objects. By default all objects are returned.
    Tip: Only character and numbers are supported in the filter. Special characters (_, %, etc.) and spaces are not supported.
    Tip: For Oracle, Redshift PostgreSQL, and SAP HANA search is case sensitive.
  7. Click Get Schemas to return a list of objects that populate the Schema list.

  8. Select at least one Type to filter on tables, views, synonyms, system tables, or aliases in the list.
  9. Optionally enter filter text to filter the tables and/or views.
    Tip: Only character and numbers are supported in the filter. Special characters (_, %, etc.) and spaces are not supported.
    Tip: For Oracle, Redshift PostgreSQL, and SAP HANA search is case sensitive.
  10. Click Get Tables.

  11. Select a table to upload and click Preview. The Preview Table Data dialog opens and shows a maximum of 10 records for you to preview.

  12. Verify the data is what you expect. Iterate for all tables and update the settings as needed.
  13. Select all the tables to upload.
  14. Click OK.