Dashboards 2.0 and Original Dashboards

There are two ways to present Visualizer and Designer reports in dashboards:

Dashboards 2.0 provides a contemporary HTML-based alternative to the original Dashboards module. Built on leading technology and modern design principles, Dashboards 2.0 gives you a streamlined and intuitive user experience.  

Original Dashboards (1.0, Flash-based) is the original version of Dashboards.

Enabling Dashboards 2.0

An Account Administrator must enable Dashboards 2.0 for you and others who will access them. In addition, some features require user or group privileges. See Access and Privileges for Dashboards 2.0.

Converting Old to New Dashboards

Birst can copy existing original dashboards to the new Dashboards 2.0 framework. The import operation handles a large part of the conversion. See Converting to New Dashboards.

Comparison with the Original Dashboards Module

Dashboards 2.0 does not support all features of the original version, and it supports additional features. The following sections list the similarities and differences.

User Interface

The Dashboards 2.0 user interface is completely different. See Business User Guide to Dashboards 2.0 and Getting Started with Dashboards 2.0.


Terminology is slightly different:

Dashboards tabs are now collections. A collection is a set of dashboards. Dashboards have vertically scrollable pages, where you place dashlets.

Filters correspond to prompts.

Dashlets are the same concept, a single report container.


The following features exist in both original and in Dashboards 2.0:

Basic operations: create, edit, copy, delete


Multiple dashlets (report containers)

Dashboard filters (prompts)

Export options at the dashlet/report level

Designer reports: CSV, Excel, PDF, and Powerpoint in original Dashboards, Excel and PDF in Dashboards 2.0

Visualizer reports: Excel and PDF

Drill down, drill to dashboard/page at the dashlet/report level

Drag-select filtering on charts and tables (also called Visual Filtering)


Bing maps from Designer reports

Creating and managing report schedules (run, edit and delete).  


View selectors for Designer reports

Parent/child prompts are parent/child filter groups in Dashboards 2.0

Column selectors for Designer and Visualizer reports

Private/public access settings for dashboards and dashboard collections


Dashboards 2.0 includes the following enhancements over the original version:

Adaptive design supports tablet devices in addition to standard computer displays

Advanced drilling - drill across links to other dashboard pages

Auto-layout menu

Collections for grouping dashboards together

Dashboards have scrollable pages

KPI widgets

Theme Editor

Search on the Report Catalog


Text boxes


Universal filters across the space

Embedded web pages

Visualizer Geomaps

Embedded HTML

Embedding API for JavaScript


Dashboards 2.0 filters apply across the entire space.  You can create one and use it across multiple dashboards. When you edit a filter, the changes apply to all instances of the filter on any dashboard in the space.

Dashboards 2.0 saves dashboards and dashboard collections to the shared directory in the report catalog.  

Dashboards 2.0 automatically re-scales Visualizer chart reports when the size of the dashboard screen changes. Visualizer tabular reports show scroll bars.

The following features are not supported in Dashboards 2.0:

Pivot control


Sticky notes

Radar charts

Flex grids

Chart animation

3D rendering of 3D Designer charts

Tree prompts

Rectangle objects