Creating a Conditional Display Expression in Classic Designer

You can use conditional display to display or hide elements in a report, such as subreports, labels or images, based on the result of a query. For example, you could set up a conditional display to show only the top 5 ranked items in a report.

To create a conditional display expression in Designer

  1. In Classic Designer, open the report.
  2. Click the Layout tab to work in layout mode.
  3. Select the element you want to work with then click the Options menu and select Conditional Display. The Conditional Display dialog box opens.
  4. Enter an expression that returns a boolean value, for example:

    [Sum: Quantity]>0




Concatenate multiple expressions together by wrapping in parentheses and using AND and OR.

Click on the Expression Builder icon at the top right of the Expression box to use the Expression Builder to build your expression. Expression Builder enables you to drag and drop columns and functions to build your expression.  

  1. Click Save in the dialog box.
  2. Click the Results tab to see the changes to the report. The element will be displayed only if the expression evaluates to true.
  3. Click Report - Save.

See Also
Expressions Reference
Defining Conditional Formats