Logging In Using OpenID or OpenID Connect

You can use your OpenID or OpenID Connect provider account to log in to Birst. Birst redirects the authentication request to the OpenID identity provider, which validates the user, then redirects back to Birst.

Prerequisites for Using OpenID or OpenID Connect

Prior to logging in with an OpenID account, create an association between your Birst user account and the OpenID provider account. See Configuring OpenID or OpenID Connect.

To log in using an OpenID account

1. Open the Birst login page.
2. Click the name of the service provider with which you have established the association.
You may be redirected to the provider’s website and prompted to log in if you are not already logged in to the provider.
3. Birst automatically logs you in and the Home page opens.

See Also
Configuring OpenID or OpenID Connect
Changing Your Password
Changing Your Email Address