Changing the Logo and Header Background Color for a User

You can change the logo that displays in the upper left, and the background color of the header, for a user.

Tip: To change logos and colors for a space, see Space Properties Reference.

To change the logo and header background color

1. On the Home page click your username at the top and select Settings. The User Settings page opens.
2. Click Modify Look and Feel.
3. Click Browse next to the Logo Image field. Select an image file to use in the application header and click Upload. The new image immediately displays in the header.

Tip: For best results, the recommended image size is 140 pixels wide and 40 pixels high.
4. In the Header Background Color field, type a color hex value to specify the color to use for the header background.
5. Click Done. You will see the new header color you specified as well as the new image.

Tip: To change the logo and header background color back to the defaults, click Reset to Default.

See Also
Changing the Default Home Page