Using the Command Window

You can issue single administrative commands for a space using the Command Window. Examples of commands you can execute are: create a new user, add a user to a space, remove a user from a space, copy the contents of one space into another space, add a user to a group, create a group, delete a group, set the password for a user, add an ACL to a group. See Administrative Commands for a complete list of commands.

To issue a command

  1. Go to Admin - Manage Space - Command Window.
  2. Type the command in the Command field at the bottom of the Command Window page and press Enter.
  3. A line will display indicating the command is being executed then another line will display indicating whether the command was successfully executed.


  • To see a list of available commands type the word help in the Command field.
  • You can copy and paste a command from the command help into the Command field, then fill in the pieces of information.

See Also
Administrative Commands
Creating a User
Group ACLs