Security Filters

Security Filters are accessed through the Space Management Module. Admins are given a holistic view of all security filters for a given space rather than navigating to individual spaces. This feature allows admins to create security filters, either with an existing variable or custom BQL. The build of the security filter is simple, selecting an attribute or measure using a subject area rather than navigating to specific attribute per a source. Pre-existing(Flash) security filters can also be managed from this interface.

Note: The Security Filters feature can only be used on spaces which are on the new metadata infrastructure. For more details, please see Convert an ADR Space to the New Metadata Infrastructure.

Creating a Security Filter with this feature is similar to Classic Admin. Prior to creating a security filter, you must create the visibility control table. Optionally, you can create a variable to use for a variable type security filter. For information, see Manage Variables.

To create a security filter:

  1. From the Admin 2.0 Home page, click on Space Management.
  2. Select a space and click Security Filters.

  3. Click the + Create New icon.
  4. Select the type of Security Filter you would like to create.
    • Variable: Select a variable from the variable dropdown. This dropdown provides a list of variables that were previously created. After selecting the variable, you will see the BQL associated with the variable.
    • Custom: Allows the user to create their own query that returns a list of values or list of constants on which to filter. You can use the left pane to create your logical query.
      • Example: set-based filter: SELECT [Mapping.Retail_Store_Code] FROM [ALL] WHERE [Mapping.Username]=GetVariable('USER')

  5. Select an Attribute to target for your security filter. You can either type-ahead in the search field to select the desired attribute or browse your available subject areas to find the attribute of your choice from the Browse icon.
  6. Under the Applied Sources section allows you to apply the security filter to only specific sources in your space instead of all sources.
  7. Select the space groups you would like to be exempt from this security filter. The members in the space groups will not be affected by the security filter. You may select more than one group. Use Deselect All to clear out your previous selection. Note: If the space doesn't have any space groups, account groups will display instead of space groups.
  8. Click Save.


  • Security Filters, Variable and Custom Set/Custom created in this manner does not support in a network BI scenario.
  • When adding a new source that target the same dimension column, admins must re-save their previous security filter targeting the dimension.
  • Security filters cannot be used with the variable “Users”, the resulting security filter will fail to save.