Creating a Drill Map

A drill map specifies how one logical column navigates to another column.

Drill maps are composed of drill segments. Each segment outlines the relationship between two columns.

Drill maps can be used to setup drilling for a large group of users. Drill maps created through Space Management will appear in Designer, Visualizer, and Dashboards. Drill maps are helpful for assisting analyst and business users when they want to jump from one attribute to another, but also want to retain the corresponding measures on the same report. Report level drilling overrides space level drilling.

To create a drill map

  1. From the Admin 2.0 Home page, select Space Management.
  2.  Select your space.
  3.  Select Drill Maps.

  4. Any drill maps that have been defined are displayed on the page.
  5.  Click + Create New Drillmap.

  6. Select the attributes in your drill segment. You can add one or more drill segments to a drill map. For example, one drill map could contain a drill path for CompanyName to CategoryName and another drill path for CategoryName to ProductName. Creating multiple drill maps from the same column (Drill From Column) gives users a choice of two or more drill paths from a column in a report.
  7. Select attributes from the Subject Areas on the left or by searching.

  8. Click +Add Drill Segment icon to add a new drill segment.
  9. After adding all the drill segments you want to include in this drill map, click the Permissions tab to control access to the drill map. By default, all users in a space can use the drill map. To make the drill map available only to certain groups, check the box next to the group name.
  10. After creating your drill map, click on the More Actions icon to Rename, Duplicate, or Delete.