Audit Trail

Audit Trail allows account admins to view a log of actions taken in Birst.

Audit Trail is accessible from the Admin 2.0 Home page:

The current SearchEvents API retrieves and returns all the events between the given date range. Currently, the default number of search results are limited to 2000. Pagination (to be used by UI) will be added to support audit trail search results.

Enter a date range for the audit.

Users can view, filter, and download audit logs as CSV files.

The Log Audit captures the following events:

  • When a user logs into a space or creates a space.
  • When a user is locked out or disabled.
  • For success/fail login/logout operations.
  • When a space group is created.
  • A user is added or removed from a space group.
  • When permission of a space group has changed.
  • Audit logging clients for Java and C#.
  • When a Dashboard is changed.
  • When a Visualizer report is created, changed, or deleted.
  • When a Designer report is created, changed, or deleted.
  • When a derived data source is changed.
  • When a variable is created, changed, renamed, or deleted.

Note: Admins can tag an Attribute as "Auditable" so that when that Attribute is queried, it will be included in the audit trail.

You can access the Audit flag either through Admin Data Flow or Admin Manage Source as follows:

From Data Flow, select the desired source, right-click and select Manage Sources, then select Option top reveal the Audit flag feature.

From the Admin Manage Sources UI, proceed as follows: