Adding a Button to a Classic Designer Report

You can add a button to a report in Classic Designer. The button can be configured to navigate to a dashboard page so that when a user clicks the button, a dashboard page is loaded.

To add a button to a Designer report

1. Open the Layout tab in Classic Designer.
2. Click Add - Button. A button appears in the top dark grey part of the canvas designated with a b: in the top left corner. By default, the button has the label static text.
3. Drag the button to position it the way you want.
4. To change the properties of the button, such as the label, right-click the button and select Button Properties. The Button Properties dialog box opens.
5. Apply the settings you would like to use for the button then click Save in the dialog box.

Tip: For information about setting up drilling to a dashboard from the button, see Adding Drilling Capability to a Button.
6. Click the Results tab to see the changes to the report.
7. Click Save from the Report menu.

See Also
Adding Drilling Capability to a Button
Adding a Rectangle to a Report
Adding an Image to a Report