REST API Operations to automatically Translate Birst Content into different Languages (COOL-15392)

Added the ability for administrators and space owners to use REST APIs to automate the translation of Birst interface objects and content into different languages (i.e., localization). Additionally, these APIs can update translated spaces with new translations and delete existing translations. Prior to this feature, the translation process required administrators to download an excel spreadsheet of target space objects and content that required translation. Next, the administrator entered the language translation in the spreadsheet and upload it back to Birst.

These REST APIs allow users to Get, Create, Update and Delete strings at granular level so that users can add a single string or manage multiple strings. This table contains API operations for translating objects and content in spaces. Each row in the table contain an API method, endpoint, and description.

Method Endpoint Description
GET /spaces/{spaceId}/localizations/ Get a list of localization strings
GET /spaces/{spaceId}/localizations/{localizationId} Get a specific localization
GET /spaces/{spaceId}/localizations/defaults Get default list of strings for localization
POST /spaces/{spaceId}/localizations/ Create a localization String
PATCH /spaces/{spaceId}/localizations/{localizationId} Update a localization String
DELETE /spaces/{spaceId}/localizations/{localizationId} Delete a localization String

REST API for Orchestration Execution (ADT-4301)

Added a REST API that can run or cancel a run for available workflows in Orchestration. The REST API uses workflow IDs to run or cancel a specific workflow.

REST API for Orchestration Run History (ADT-4303)

Added a REST API that calls the run history for all available orchestrations. Users can use this REST API to view the last run history details, to view the run history for a specific workflow, and get the status of a specific workflow. The REST API uses the workflow ID to provide the workflow run history.

REST API to manage account groups (ADT-4361)

Added accountgroups REST APIs to automate managing users in account groups. These REST APIs allow admin users to create, update, manage, and view account groups and the users in account groups.

Method Endpoint Description
GET /accountgroups/ Get a list of account groups for a given account
GET /accountgroups/{accountgroupid} Get the details of an account group, including the list of users assigned to the account group and the permission and feature details
GET /accountgroups/permissions/ Get the list of permissions available for account groups
GET /accountgroups/features/ Get the list of features available for account groups
DEL /accountgroups/{accountgroupid} Delete an account group for a given account
PUT /accountgroups/{accountgroupid} Update the name and description of an account group for a given account
POST /accountgroups/{accountgroupid} Create an account group for a given account
POST /accountgroups/{accountgroupid}/users/ Add user to an account group
DEL /accountgroups/{accountgroupid}/users/{userid} Remove a user from an account group
PUT /accountgroups/{accountgroupid}/permissions/{permissionid} Enable or Disable a permission in an account group
PUT /accountgroups/{accountgroupid}/features/{featureid} Enable or Disable a feature in an account group

REST API to manage account groups in spaces (ADT-4381)

Added a REST API to add or remove account groups in spaces.

Method Endpoint Description
GET /accountgroups/spaces/{spaceId} Gets the account groups for given space
PUT /accountgroups/{accountGroupId}/spaces/{spaceId} Add a space to given account group
DELETE /accountgroups/{accountGroupId}/spaces/{spaceId} Remove a space from given account group