
Run a Workflow from a Step or Task (PRONTO-13047)

Added the ability to run custom workflows where users can either select specific tasks within a step to run in a workflow, run one step in a the workflow, or one task in a step.

  • Users can click on the Action icon for a specific step and select Run custom steps. Next, users either select the tasks within the step, select a subset of steps in the workflow only, or select Run this step only to run only that step.
  • Users can click on the Action icon for a specific task within a step and select Run custom workflow. Users select the tasks within the step to run or select Run this task only to run only that task within that step.
  • From the Run Custom Workflow window, users can select the steps or tasks to run and not run.
Note: If you select a task in one step and then another task in another step, the application automatically selects every step and task in between.

In the run history, the Run Type is displayed as Custom. Steps and tasks that were not included in the run are labeled as Skipped.

Display product names for application workflows (PRONTO-12695)

Updated Orchestration so that the application displays the Product Name instead of the Application Logical ID. Additionally, when a user now rests the cursor on the product, the application displays additional information such as the product name, version, the logical ID, status, and so on.