This section contains enhancements in Infor Birst, release version 2022.02.0X.
Note: See the Knowledge Base article KB 2174156 for the complete list of available REST APIs and more information for newly released public APIs.

Copy Dashboards to a Collection (COOL-15256)

Added the ability for users to use Birst REST API in an API client to copy dashboards and their contents to a collection. The name of copied dashboard is automatically updated with the word “copy” added to the beginning to the dashboard’s source name. Only users with permissions to create dashboards can perform this action.

To copy a dashboard using REST APIs: In an API client, select a POST operation and define the following endpoint (i.e., replace bracketed items): /spaces/{spaceId}/dashboards/{dashboardId}/action.

Manage Report Catalog Entities (COOL-11656)

Added the ability for users to use Birst REST APIs to manage report catalog entities. The table below shows REST API operations (in all caps) and endpoints that can be used in an API client.

Note: In the Endpoint column, replace bracket items with definitions from Birst.
Operation Endpoint Definition
GET api/spaces/{spaceID}/catalog/entities Returns entities that have parent with ID of the space (root level).
GET api/spaces/{spaceID}/catalog/entities/{entityID} Returns the report catalog details of an existing entity, which can include Folders, Collections, Dashboards and Reports.
GET api/spaces/{spaceId}/catalog/entities/{entitiyID}/entities Returns the report catalog details of an existing entity, which can include Folders, Collections, Dashboards and Reports.
POST api/spaces/{spaceID}/catalog/entities/search Search for an entity across the Report Catalog.
POST api/spaces/{spaceId}/catalog/entities/{entitiyID}/search Search for an entity created under a specific Folder or Collection.

Manage Spaces (COOL-15075)

Added the ability for users to use Birst REST APIs to manage spaces. The table below shows REST API operations (in all caps) and endpoints that can be used in an API client.

Note: In the Endpoint column, replace bracket items with definitions from Birst.
Operation Endpoint Definition
GET /spaces/ Get list of spaces.
GET /spaces/{id} Get space properties.
POST /spaces/ Create space.
PUT /spaces/{id} Update space.
DELETE /spaces/{id} Delete space.
POST /spaces/{id}/action Space actions (i.e., swap, copy, merge, replicate, copytonewspace)

Import/export Application Workflows (ADT-4137)

Added the ability for users to export and import application workflows across environments and sites. As part of this new feature, these APIs have been exposed as REST APIs for users to use to move workflows across environments and sites:

  • createworkflow
  • updateworkflow
  • deleteworkflow
  • getworkflow