Infor Birst 2022.10 Resolved Issues

This update provides your organization with a list of resolved issues for the Birst 2022.10.0X release.

Module/ Area

Description of resolution

Admin Corrected an issue where an exception occurred when retrieving space variables while the Birst repository was loading.
Admin Corrected an issue where toggle options did not display for Space Group permissions in Admin Space Management. Prior to the fix, toggle buttons used to enable or disable features of Birst user groups did not display in the Permissions tab of the Space Groups.
Admin Corrected an issue where the localization excel file downloaded from Localization in Admin Space Management had incorrect collection names in the Default column of the of the excel file. Methods responsible for renaming items in the Default column were not updating collections names from the repository.
Admin Corrected an issue where the localization excel file downloaded from Localization in Admin Space Management contained incorrect information for subject area Custom Group entries. Instead, Saved Expression information was generated for Custom Group entries in the excel file.
Admin Corrected an issue where using the "&" character when creating a custom attribute in Admin Space ManagementCustom Attributes & Measures generated an object error.
Admin Added a validation to check the ID when users attempt to copy or replicate color palettes through Repo Admin. This corrects an issue that allowed users to copy/replicate a color palette with the same ID as a global color palette, leading to issues when linking color palettes with a report.
Application Builder Corrected an issue that caused complex joins between imported facts and discovery sources to fail.
Application Management Corrected an issue that allowed non-tenant admins to complete a clone, leading to a scenario where that user could not see application resources (spaces, connections, workflow) because only tenant administrators can perform a clone. A validation check has been added so that only tenant admins are allowed to clone.
Application Management Remove all special characters, such as |, ?,\,/, and so on, from Unique Resource Tag while creating spaces, workflows and connections during clone applications for tenant, correcting an error that occurred because of special characters in the Unique Resource Tag for shared connections.
Dashboard Corrected an issue that caused the Report Catalog to display an error when a user tried to change the report path listed in the dashlet properties. This issue occurred when the user added a report to a new folder in Report Catalog, created a dashlet with that report path, deleted the folder from the Report Catalog, and then tried to edit the report path in the dashlet properties.
Dashboard Corrected an issue that caused Dashboards to become stuck with a spinning circle icon when a user attempted to save new Group filters and Native Group filters on a dashboard, leading to a session time out.
Dashboard Corrected a display issue where the application incorrectly displayed two columns of filter options in the Filter panel in Dashboards instead of just one column of filters.
Designer Corrected an issue where adding custom measures of custom subject areas to reports in Designer or Visualizer generated an query error.
Designer Corrected an issue where the using "&" character in the title field of a report resulted in the saved title containing the unencoded "&" text instead of "&" character.
Designer Corrected an issue that occurred when a user attempted to add a height funnel chart to a report where the application incorrectly displayed the data in a column chart instead.
Localization Corrected errors that displayed when a user changed their locale/language and tried to use a subject area.
Localization Corrected an issue that allowed users to upload translation files with invalid characters and use those invalid characters throughout the user interface without being invalidated. Now, the application performs a validation on translation files for special characters, such as ],?,/,|, and so on.
Localization Corrected an issue that occurred when a user uploaded a valid translation file with column selector translations where the application did not respect and display the column selector translations in the user interface.
Modeler Corrected an issue where users switching between data flows of spaces did not update the data flow view. Prior to the fix, users viewed sources in Modeler Relate and clicked View Data Flow to see the data flow of the space. When users selected a different space, returned to Modeler Relate, and clicked View Data Flow again, the data flow from the previously viewed space still displayed.
Modeler Corrected an issue where the tool tip for data source column properties covered action buttons in the Column Properties panel. Prior to the fix, when users viewed sources in Modeler Relate and clicked Edit Column Properties to display Column Properties panel, the tool tip for source categories covered action buttons on the right-side of the panel.
Modeler Corrected an issue where an incorrect message displayed in Grain Configurations of a source's properties. Prior to the fix, users could view source properties in Modeler Relate by clicking the More Actions list menu of a source and selecting Source Properties . In the panel, hierarchies of the source displayed under Grain Configuration. If a hierarchy was incompatible with the source, the incorrect text, "incompatible columns" displayed instead of the correct text: "incompatible hierarchies".
Modeler Corrected an issue where Override level keys option was enabled for incompatible columns of a source. Prior to the fix, users could view source properties in Modeler Relate by clicking the More Actions list menu of a source and selecting Source Properties. In the panel, hierarchies of the source displayed under Grain Configuration. Users could click Override level keys for a column in the Incompatible columns section of the Grain Configuration and enable the feature.
Modeler Corrected an issue where connections to Infor Datalake in Modeler Connectcould fail due to an incorrect restricted agent being selected during the connection.
Modeler Corrected an issue where drop-down menus and icons in Data Characteristic panel displayed improperly. The Data Characteristics panel displays when users upload files in Modeler Connect, click the More Actions list menu, and select Data Characteristics. Prior to the fix, drop-down menus in the Data Characteristics panel displayed as a pop-up menu that covered other text in the panel. Icons in the pop-up menu were not properly align.
Modeler Corrected an issue where Birst UI translated to Japanese resulted in the text of the Download Local Agent button appearing outside of the button's frame. The Download Local Agent button is located in the FilesAssign agent menu of Modeler Connect.
Modeler Corrected an issue where Birst UI translated to Japanese or Chinese resulted in text of tool tips displaying incorrectly in Modeler Connect. Prior to the fix, users working in a Birst UI translated to either Japanese or Chinese could hover over buttons in Connect, and tool tips would display with translated text without proper line breaks.
Modeler Corrected an issue that caused Create Scripted source to fail for imported sources when those sources were used in Security filter.
Networks Corrected an issue where text and icons in the Subject Area menu of a selected network were not properly aligned.
Notifications Corrected an issue that caused the size of email attachments to be calculated incorrectly, preventing some emails from being sent even though their attachment met the attachment size requirement. Customers should now have a max email attachment size of 14MB.
Notifications Corrected an issue where fail-to-send email notifications failed to be sent to recipients. Prior to the fix, when email reports failed to send to its intended recipients, another email was automatically sent to recipients and the sender of the failure. The fail-to-send notifications could not be sent because an additional "To" line was generated in the email with the sender's email address.
Orchestration Corrected an issue where changes made to the schedule of one orchestration was displayed in other orchestrations in the scheduler, leading to incorrect schedule information being used.
Security Corrected an issue that allowed a recently terminated user to continue to use the application on an existing session even though their access had just been revoked. Now, any active user sessions are terminated immediately as soon as access is revoked for that user.
Space Management Corrected an issue that caused the default value for Processing Time Zone to be incorrectly set to null (0) for new spaces.
Subject Area

Corrected an issue that occurred when a user created multiple nested folders (more than three) in a folder in a custom subject area where the application did not display a scroll bar option to scroll through the list of folders and only displayed the first two to three folders.

Subject Area Improved the message that displays when the application fails to create a data bucket using a saved expression, correcting an issue where the application did not create a data bucket from a saved expression and the user did not understand why it failed.
Subject Area Corrected an issue that caused measure folders to be duplicated and nested after dragging a time dimension, such as Month Ago measure, into a network subject area.
Subject Area Corrected an issue that occurred when copying an attribute folder from one CSA to a new CSA where none of the items or child objects from that folder were copied until after a resync.
Subject Area Corrected an issue that occurred when copying a measure folder from one CSA to a new CSA where none of the items from that attribute folder were copied until after a resync, leaving an empty folder in the target CSA.
Subject Area Corrected an issue that prevented timing logs from capturing end times for Subject Area resync operations for network subject areas.
Subject Area Corrected an issue that caused saved expressions from a CSA to display outside of their measure folder instead of being nested inside its specific folder in the CSA.
Usage Tracking Corrected an issue where dashboard usage and visits to dashboards were not logged for non-space admins or non-space owners.
User Corrected an issue where the application incorrectly displayed the module options in the Menu panel for a user that did not have user permissions for that module.
User Interface Corrected an issue that caused some Themes and Default Color Palettes to be missing from some production environments.
Visualizer Corrected an issue that allowed users to specify negative numbers in the Number of Colors in Palette field in Chart Formatting. Now, the application does not allow users to click lower than zero.
Visualizer Corrected an issue where the Consistent text overlapped with the line border in Chart Formatting when a user created a consistent color palette for an attribute.
Visualizer Corrected an issue where the text fields were not correctly aligned with each other in Chart Formatting when a user created a manual consistent color palette.
Visualizer Corrected an issue that occurred when a user completed a subject area search and clicked in the results that caused the previous viewed list to display, preventing users from navigating in measure folders to select a value for a report.
Visualizer Corrected an issue where the search and clear icons in the Search field of the Conditional tab of Chart Formatting were not properly aligned in the field, and the enable or disable conditional toggle was properly not aligned.
Visualizer Corrected an issue that occurred when a user completed a search in Visualizer and then clicked in the Search field where the application incorrectly cleared the specified searched string, resetting the search.
Visualizer Added a message to display when a user completes a search that returns no results, correcting an issue where the application did not communicate to the user that their search returned no matches.
Visualizer Added a message to display when a user navigates to an empty folder, correcting an issue where the application did not communicate to the user that the folder they selected was empty.
Visualizer Corrected an issue where reports in sub-folders of Visualizer where not translated when performing the Birst translation process. Prior to the fix, users could attempt to translate reports stored in sub-folders of Visualizer by navigating to Admin Space Management, clicking Localization, and then downloading the translation file. After updating the visualizer report in the translation file with the desired language, the user would upload the file in Localization. Users could access the report in its sub-folder in Visualizer and see the report was not translated.
Visualizer Corrected an issue where data buckets were duplicated. Prior to the fix, users could access Visualizer, click the Subject Area icon, and select Data Bucket from the left-side panel. Duplicate data buckets appeared in the panel.
Visualizer Corrected an issue that prevented users from using attributes that were renamed without spaces ( ) in the attribute name when using the BQL editor. The BQL editor could not find those attributes that were successfully renamed without a space in their name. This issue did not impact attributes with a space in their name.
Visualizer/ Themes/ Color Palettes Corrected an issue that caused a blank area to incorrectly display in the Chart Formatting panel that blocked color palette and formatting options from the user.
Visualizer/ Themes/ Color Palettes Corrected an issue where the Chart Background field incorrectly displayed and overlapped other fields when a user navigated to a different panel in Chart Formatting, such as adding or editing the formatting in the Consistent Palette panel.
Visualizer/ Themes/ Color Palettes Corrected an issue that caused the application to add "_Migrate" to color palette names that were duplicates of other palettes with the same name even if the palettes were in different accounts. For example, if an admin user replicates a color palette from account A in account B, the application incorrectly added "_Migrate" to the color palette's name in account B. Now, the application adds "_Migrate" only when the replicated color palette is added to an account with a palette that has the same name. This issue also caused _Migrate to be added to the names of space level color palettes after a repo upload even if it was not a duplicate name.