
Export tables to Excel with expanded/collapsed break by groups (COOL-16627)

Updated the export functionality so when a user exports a dashlet table to Excel, the user can either export the dashlet table's current state or all the data in the dashlet table, including any collapsed rows in any break by groups, to Excel.

Previously, when a user exported a table with any collapsed groups, the application did not export the sub rows for those groups in the export file. Now the export can be set up to include all rows in a break by group in the table.

Users can select All Data to Excel from the Export As menu within the Dashlet Actions for the table to export all the data including the collapsed sections. Alternatively, users can select Current State to Excel to export only the current state of the table without collapsed sections.

Transparent report backgrounds (COOL-16289)

Added the ability for users to apply a transparent background to reports. Users can go to Chart Formatting and select transparent backgrounds for their reports. When the transparent option is applied, the preview shows a checkered pattern background to indicate it is transparent.

The default background is still white and all existing reports have their current configured background color applied.

Note: Transparent backgrounds in Visualizer are not transferred to Dashboards. Users can still set transparent backgrounds on Dashboards in the Dashboard Settings.