Space Management

Setting a Default Space(COOL-15875, COOL-15555)

Added the ability for users to set and manage a space as a default space so that it can load when the user logs in. If a user only has one space configured, that space is loaded automatically. If a user does not have a default space or any space configured, the user is prompted to select a space from the side menu.

When a user sets a default space, that space is automatically sorted to the top of the Spaces list. Users with a default space set are automatically logged in to that space when they log in.

To set a default space, users can click the Actions icon for that space, then select Set as Default from the menu. That space is then moved to the top of the list.

Measure Level Settings in Data Model Properties (PRONTO-13011, PRONTO-12587, PRONTO-12586, PRONTO-12574)

Some functionality of the Measure Level Settings feature is still in development, and so this feature is in Beta Release. Measure Level Settings Beta is accessible in 2022.06 by adding ?measureLevel as a subdirectory after navigating to Data Model Properties. For example:
Note: The user must log in first and then add the subdirectory URL path. For Measure Level Settings feedback, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Added the ability for Admins to enable or disable aggregations for measures that are not needed across a space, providing various tools to edit measures in a space from a single location in Birst Admin. This improves overall performance for accounts with large spaces. For example, users can disable the SUM aggregation for the Employee ID measure since users never need to sum employee ID values.

Access Measure Level Settings window by selecting a space and then navigating to Admin> Space Management> Data Model Properties. In Data Model Properties, enable the Measure Level Mode switch. The Measure Level Settings window displays all the measures of the space in a grid. The Aggregation column displays the aggregations that are currently enabled for that measure in that space. Users can make changes to the Aggregation field for a measure in-line.

Users can use the drop down list menu in the Aggregation column of the grid to manage aggregation types for the selected measure. Changes are applied to the measure in the entire space when a user clicks Apply.

If an Aggregation type selected in the Aggregation column is not valid for the type of measure, an X displays in the Valid column and the Aggregation column for that measure will be highlighted in a red box. Resting the cursor over the red box displays a tooltip with more details about why the column is invalid displays (e.g., choosing Sum Aggregation for a data column that contains ID numbers)

Aggregation types of multiple measures can be updated at one time using bulk actions. Users can select the check boxes in the grid for multiple measures to edit them simultaneously. When a measure or multiple measures are selected in the grid, an Action Bar is displayed at the bottom of the page. Users can use Aggregation list field in the Action Bar to make changes to the selected measures at the same time.

  • The Aggregation drop-down menu will display "---" if the measures you selected vary in type.
  • Switches next to aggregation types will be on or off depending on whether it is enabled or disabled for all selected measures. A switch is set in the middle of the slider (i.e., neither off or on) if only some of the selected measures have the aggregation type.
  • Turn on or off a switch next to the aggregation type to enable it for selected measures or leave the switch in the middle to retain the individual aggregation type of the select measures. Click Apply. Changes are applied to measures in the entire space.

Warning message if users reset an aggregation (PRONTO-13300)

Added a pop-up warning message that displays when an Admin tries to save a change to a time series informing them that any aggregation types set at the measure level are reverted back to their default setting. Admin users can click Continue to save the changes and revert the measure level aggregation settings or press Cancel to revert the time series change back and disregard the save.